Back Resolutiion of PlaCLIK aid programme 2018-2019!

Resolutiion of PlaCLIK aid programme 2018-2019!



Resolution of the CLIK regarding aid programme PlaCLIK 2018-2019 has been released. Following that, we announce that members of the Polytechnic School and of the Department of ICT will be responsible for coordinating 5 of the projects, and will also take part in 3 others.

The projects coordinated by our fellow UCA EiTIC members deal with the following topics: the role of spaces as facilitators for collaborative learning, the process of peer-learning through assessment, the understanding of scientific production at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the Department of ICT and its links to teaching, the use of data analytics for the assessment of learning activities with technology, and the production of interactive lecture notes for linear algebra. The other three projects we will take part in focus on UPF students’ lecture attendance (or non-attendance): causes and suggestions for improvement; gamification applied to learning improving, and the design and implementation of a training activity structured in modules about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Please click here for further information.

You can access the official resolution of the aid programme via Intranet - Docencia - CLIK.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
