Back CIDUI 2023: The Innovation Area of the Engineering School and ICT Department presents the comparative analysis of good practices in the organization, monitoring and assessment of the TFG

CIDUI 2023: The Innovation Area of the Engineering School and ICT Department presents the comparative analysis of good practices in the organization, monitoring and assessment of the TFG


Last 6th July the pedagogue of the Innovation Area took part in the International Conference on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI) held in the University of Lleida presenting the work "Comparative analysis of good practices in the organization, monitoring and assessment of the Final Degree Project: National and international perspective in the field of Engineering” with Amaia Rodríguez Rementería, Aitana González Cárdenas and Patricia Santos Rodríguez, Director of the Innovation Area, co-authors of the work.

You can check the contribution and the proceedings here: