Training university lecturers (FPU). Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

IMPORTANT: FPU how to prepare application

ANECA informative session (presentation of applications and evaluation criteria).

 FPU AID GUIDE (incorporation instructions, renewals, teaching, incidents throughout the help ... etc).

2023 Call  

Renewals (Deadline for submitting the documentation to the Research Service: October 15 of each year).

Guide during the validity of the FPU 

Along with the electronic application, a personal academic certification of the studies completed must be attached, in PDF format, which accredits the following:
The studies taken to obtain the degree of Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Engineering or Architecture. In any case, what is indicated in article 8 of the call for applications must be followed. The average grade of the academic transcript and, if applicable, the average grade of the degrees with which the applicant is applying for the call, when the first one does not reach 240 credits. The accreditation of the date of completion of studies.
Applications that fall under any of the exceptions indicated in article 7.2 a) and b) of the call, will have to submit, in addition and as the case may be, a copy of the degree of the specialty or official certification of this, or of attention and care of descendants under six years of age.
In case the specialty has been studied abroad, they must present the accreditation of the recognition of the same in Spain, if they are citizens of the European Union, or the homologation in the case of nationals of other countries.

- The candidate's academic and professional trajectory.

Documentation to be sent to the secretary's office of the Department to process the signature of the director of the Academic Committee:

- Favorable evaluation of the curriculum vitae of the director of the doctoral thesis (pdf).
It is necessary to check favorable and the box has been received the statement of compliance with the requirements referred to in Article 10 of the Order of December 28, 2023 by the person who directs the thesis.

- Favorable evaluation of the report of the training project and of the doctoral thesis (pdf).
Attached to the document a report of the training project and doctoral thesis.

Documentation for the Department/Academic Committee: The person proposed for the direction of the thesis must submit to the Academic Committee of his/her department the following document duly signed:

- Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the thesis director (pdf) Document signed by the thesis director.


Guide during the validity of the FPU aidimportant to complete teaching