Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge

Roc Boronat building (Poblenou campus)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona

 93 5421257

[email protected]

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Serra Húnter associate professor at the Department of Translation and Language Sciences. I am a researcher of the LSC Lab (Laboratori de llengua de signes catalana) and the GLiF (Formal Linguistics Research Group).

Areas of teaching and research: linguistics and formal discourse analysis of Catalan Sign Language (LSC); documentation of LSC; study of grammar applied to the sign language interpreting.

Coordination and service:

Responsible of teaching innovation at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences

Coordinator of the Centre d'Estudis LSC-UPF Actua

Director of the Teaching Certification of LSC

Coordinator of the LSC Corpus Project (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

Coordinator of project to adapt the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages applied to the LSC (Direcció General de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya) (until December 2022)

Education and employment:

PhD in Cognitive Science and Language:

-doctoral thesis, 2012: "The meaning of space in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Reference, specificity and structure in signed discourse"

-MA thesis, 2007: "La cohesió discursiva i l'espai en la llengua de signes catalana

Postdoctoral researcher: UMR 7023 (CNRS & Paris 8) in a typological project on impersonal reference. Short research stays at the Jean Nicod Institute in Paris (2012) and at the University of Göttingen in Germany (2014).

Postgraduate courses taught at: University of Girona (2006, 2007); University of Barcelona (2010); summer schools taught at the University of Hamburg (Germany, 2012); University College London (2013); University of Tübingen (Germany, 2016).

Before entering academia, I worked as a trainer at the Vocational Training Course of Interpreting and Deaf-blind interpreting in sign language and at the Catalan Federation for the Deaf.