Back The "Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats de Mataró" adheres to the Legal Clinic law (21.07.23)

The "Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats de Mataró" adheres to the Legal Clinic law (21.07.23)

Clínica Jurídica



On 20 July 2023 the Dean of "I·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats de Mataró", Ms. Maria Pastor Santana and the Director of the Legal Clinic, Dr. Mauricio Pérez Simeón signed the agreement of adhesion of the Mataró Bar Association (ICAMAT) in the Legal Clinic that will allow the collaboration of teachers and students with lawyers of Mataró in the defence of cases of people who enjoy the benefit of free justice (assigned by the legal aid office) that have special social and academic interest. Ms. Judith Silveira, Vice-Dean of ICAMAT, and Dr. Albert González, lawyer and professor at UPF, have been appointed as liaison for the project.

This agreement strengthens the role of the Legal Clinic as a complementary initiative to the in-court representation service, which is an essential public service provided with great efficiency by the Bar Associations in our country.




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