Head of the Academic Coordination Unit (UCA) and director of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences |
Jordi García Ojalvo |
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences and head of the UCA’s Teaching Area |
Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz |
Secretary of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences and head of the UCA’s Promotion and Quality Area |
Robert Castelo Valdueza |
Assistant Director of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences and head of the UCA’s Research and Transfer Area |
Olga Valverde Granados |
Assistant Director of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences and head of the UCA’s Teaching and Research Facilities Area |
Berta Alsina Español |
Teaching Area management
Vice-dean and quality officer of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences |
José Manuel Fernández Fernández |
Vice-dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences and teaching coordinator of the bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Sciences and in Human Biology |
Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majó |
Vice-dean of academic planning and students, for the Degree in Medicine | Fernando Burdío Pinilla |
Vice Dean of Teaching and Institutional Relations, for the Degree in Medicine | Juan Pablo Horcajada Gallego |
Director of studies of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences |
Silvia Hernández Llodrá |
Secretary and exchange director of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences |
Andrés Ozaita Mintegui |
Responsible for Innovation |
Elisabet Moyano Claramunt |
Degree Coordinators
Bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Sciences and in Human Biology |
Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majó |
Bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Engineering |
Javier Macía Santamaría |
Master’s programme in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences |
Nuria Boada Centeno |
Master’s programmes in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry |
Juana Díez Antón |
Master’s programme in Biomedical Research |
Cristina López Rodríguez |
Master’s programme in Public Health |
Fernando García Benavides |
PhD in Biomedicine |
Rubén Vicente García |
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is the Faculty’s corporate governing body.
a) To appoint the dean of the Faculty and to propose his or her removal from office.
b) To approve the Faculty’s objectives within the University’s strategic framework.
c) To approve the Faculty’s annual activity report.
d) To report on proposals to create, modify, merge and eliminate departments that teach subjects at the Faculty.
e) To propose the criteria and tests for access or admission to the Faculty and for calculating its teaching staff capacity.
f) To report on teaching staff needs in accordance with their plans and the teaching offered and to decide, jointly with each department, which teaching staff will teach in the subjects or areas for which it is competent.
g) To propose the approval or modification of the curricula for the degrees the Faculty awards, in accordance with the requirements set out under the University’s by-laws or their implementing regulations.
h) To approve the Faculty’s budget and agree on the commitments included in the instruments proposed by the University’s competent bodies for the internal allocation of resources.
i) To approve its own rules of organization and procedure, which shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Governors.
j) To discharge all functions related to the Faculty explicitly assigned to it under the University’s by-laws.
k) The Board shall be empowered to create specific committees, whose objectives and composition it shall decide. Approval of the creation of a committee shall require the favourable votes of an absolute majority of Board members. Each committee shall appoint a chair and a secretary.
Click on the following link to view the Faculty Board members: Faculty Board members
Electoral board
The Electoral Board of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences is composed as follows:
Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz
Secretary: Andrés Ozaíta
Helena Bosch (professor)
Maria Violat Gallego (student)
Sonia Iturrate (PTGAS)
Department Board
The Department Board is the Department’s corporate governing body.
a) To appoint the director of the Department and propose his or her removal from office.
b) To approve the Department’s objectives within the strategic framework of the University.
c) To organize and assign the tasks inherent to the Department and to ensure fulfilment of teaching and research commitments.
d) To define the teaching and research, development, and scientific innovation and dissemination plans and to coordinate the activities of the Department’s teaching and research staff.
e) To approve the syllabi for the subjects taught by the Department.
f) To propose official postgraduate programmes.
g) To make proposals to the centres related to the curricula.
h) To discharge those functions related to teaching staff assigned to it under the present regulations.
i) To report on the assignment of Department teaching staff to university research institutes.
j) To report on the recognition by the University of research groups whose members include lecturers affiliated with the Department.
k) To draw up and approve the Department’s annual teaching and research activity report.
l) To approve its own rules of organization and procedure, which shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Governors.
m) To approve the Department’s budget and agree on the commitments included in the instruments proposed by the University’s competent bodies for the internal allocation of resources.
n) To discharge all functions related to the Department that the University’s by-laws or the present regulations explicitly assign to it.
Click on the following link to view the Department Board members: Departament Board members
The Electoral Board of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences
The Electoral Board of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences is composed as follows:
Jordi Garcia Ojalvo
Robert Castelo Valdueza
Meritxell Girvent Montllor (PDI)
Arcadi Navarro Cuartiellas (PDI)
Álvaro Martín López, vocal (estudiant)
Susana Fernández Cantí (PTGAS)
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is the Department Board’s delegate committee for the functions of managing and coordinating the Department’s research (managing the allocation and assignment of research funds). To this end, it shall discuss the needs of the different programmes.
Department Director |
Jordi García Ojalvo |
Assistant Director of the Department |
Berta Alsina and Olga Valverde |
Department Secretary |
Robert Castelo |
Programme Coordinators |
Cell and Molecular Biology programme |
Miguel A. Valverde |
Molecular Medicine programme |
José Ayté |
Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems programme |
Elena Bosch |
Biomedical Informatics programme |
Ferran Sanz |
Genetics and Neurosciences programme |
Rafael Maldonado |
Systems Bioengineering |
Pilar Rivera |
Public Health and Education in Health Sciences programme |
Gema Revuelta |
Teaching Staff Committee
The Teaching Staff Committee is the Department Board’s delegate committee for matters related to the teaching staff.
Ex officio members:
Department Director |
Jordi Garcia Ojalvo |
Assistant Directors of the Department |
Berta Alsina Español i Olga Valverde Granados |
Department Secretary | Robert Castelo Valdueza |
Dean |
Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz |
Elected members:
Six lecturers affiliated with the Department:
Fernando Burdío Pinilla
David Comas Martínez
Juana Díez Antón
Elena Hidalgo Hernando
Juan Pablo Horcajada Gallego
Maria Cristina Lopez Rodriguez
Guest member:
- Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majó
Undergraduate Committee
- Dean: Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz
- UCA's direction member: Berta Alsina
- Vicedean: José Manuel Fernández
- Vicedean and responsible for Biomedical Sciences and Human Biology: Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majó
- Vicedean of academic planning and students, for the Degree in Medicine: Fernando Burdío
- Vicedean of Teaching and Institutional Relations, for the Degree in Medicine: Juan Pablo Horcajada
- Director of Studies : Silvia Hernández
- Responsible for Biomedical Engineering Degree: Javier Macía
- USQUID Director: Elisabeth Moyano
- Mobility: Andrés Ozaita Mintegui
- Management unit's head: Susanna Fernández
- Director of Nursery School: Esther Insa
- Responsible for Bioinformatics Degree: Hafid Laayouni
- Teaching Management Coordinator: Sonia Iturrate
Postgraduate Committee
- UCA's assistant director: Olga Valverde
- Dean: Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz
- UCA's direction member: Robert Castelo
- Master degrees coordinators:
- Cristina López (Master in Biomedical Research)
- Fernando Benavides (Master in Public Health)
- Juana Díez (Màster in Pharmaceutica Industry and Biotechnology)
- Rubén Vicente (Master in Multidisciplinary Research)
- Nuria Centeno (Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences)
- PhD in Biomedicine Coordinator: Olga Valverde
- Vicedean for Quality: José Manuel Fernández
- Management Unit's Head: Susanna Fernández
- Teaching Management Coordinator: Sonia Iturrate
Academic Committee for the PhD Programme in Biomedicine
The Academic Committee for the PhD Programme in Biomedicine is responsible for the definition, updating, quality and coordination of the PhD programme and for the progress of each doctoral student’s research and training, as well as for all other functions provided for in this article.
a) To define, update and assure the quality and coordination of the PhD programme.
b) To organize, design and coordinate each PhD programme.
c) To establish the supervision system for doctoral students and the tutorial programme.
d) To provide the necessary support for the preparation of doctoral students’ personalized activities document.
e) To establish additional requirements and criteria for the admission of students to a given PhD programme.
f) To appoint or change the tutor for each doctoral student.
g) To appoint or change the thesis supervisor.
h) To authorize or revoke the authorization for joint thesis supervisors.
i) To authorize or revoke the authorization for joint thesis tutors.
j) To authorize stays abroad by doctoral students.
k) To authorize the submission of each doctoral student’s thesis.
l) To authorize the completion of doctoral studies on a part-time basis.
m) To authorize the extension of the deadline for submission of a thesis.
n) To approve or deny a temporary leave for a doctoral student.
o) To determine exceptional cases in which certain aspects of a thesis should not be made public.
p) To annually assess each doctoral student’s personal activities document and the reports of his or her tutor and thesis supervisor.
q) To annually assess each doctoral student’s research plan and the reports of his or her tutor and thesis supervisor.
r) To discharge any other functions attributed to it by law or under UPF or school regulations.
Chair: Rubén Vicente García, PhD programme coordinator
Members: Nuria Boada Centeno, Cristina López Rodríguez, Marià Sentí Clapés and Fernando García Benavides, master’s programme coordinators; and José Aramburu Beltrán, Marc Güell Cargol and Joaquim Gea Guiral, Department lecturers
Secretary: Marc Güel Cargol, master’s programme coordinator
Quality Committee
The creation of the centre’s Quality Committee was approved on 27 May 2017 by the Department Board and on 29 May 2017 by the Faculty Board.
Objectives - Functions
· To analyse and monitor the quality indicators for the degree programmes
· To review and approve the monitoring reports
· To review and approve the self-assessment reports for accreditation
· To develop, review and approve quality policy and objectives
· To review the status of proposals from the improvement plans and make new proposals
· To review and approve the centre’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ).
The Unit or Centre director |
Chair: Jordi García Ojalvo (Department Director) |
Vice-dean and quality officer |
José Manuel Fernández Fernández |
Vice-deans |
Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majó |
The master’s programme coordinators |
Master’s programme in Biomedical Research - Cristina López Rodriguez Master’s programme in Bioinformatics for Health Science - Nuria Boada Centeno Master’s programme in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry - Juana Díez Antón Master’s programme in in Public Health - Fernando García Benavides |
The PhD programme coordinator |
Biomedicine - Ruben Vicente García |
Head of the Medicine and Life Sciences Management and Administration Unit |
Susanna Fernández Cantí |
Two teaching staff representatives |
Francesc d'Assís Calafell Majo "Pending assignment" |
Five student representatives (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and PhD) |
Bachelor’s degree - Clara Massegú Pueyo (Med), Adriana Santana Santana (Med) Master’s degree - "Pending assignment" PhD - Albert Edo Pérez |
The centre’s quality officer |
Secretary: Maria Pilar Larramona Lendez |