Being a member of the UPF Theatre Workshop involves meeting the continuance rules:

  • Theatre Workshop members agree to attend weekly rehearsals and all official activities scheduled during the academic year and, in general, all Workshop events and acts for which they may be required.

  • Theatre Workshop activities are organized by terms. In order to achieve the required performance by the group, punctual attendance to all scheduled sessions is required. Arriving more than a quarter of an hour late and leaving early will be considered as failure to attend. If a session begins, it is up to the director whether or not to allow latecomers entry.

  • For ECTS credit recognition for participating in the Theatre Workshop, minimum attendance at rehearsals is 75% throughout the academic year.

  • Failure to turn up without due reason for rehearsals, workshops or any official activity will lead to permanent loss of membership.

  • Both the first and the second levels are selective throughout the academic year: passing from one term to the next will depend on the suitability of each student and on cast requirements for each play put on.

  • The final workshop and staging, as well as other activities, will involve the students considered by the director of the Theatre Workshop as being most suitable.