OCTUBRE 2021 -  Beca de formacíó predoctoral FPI (Projecte BIBA)

Aviat es convocaran les “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2021”. El projecte “BIBA - Efectes bidireccionals del bilingüisme en edats diferents” (PID2020-114276GB-I00) ofereix una beca per fer una tesi doctoral dins d’aquest projecte. La durada de la beca és de quatre anys.

Els interessats han de tenir un màster relacionat amb les àrees de lingüística, filologia, educació, psicologia, o similar. Han de tenir uns expedients excel·lents de grau i màster i afinitat amb les línies de recerca del projecte (bilingüisme, morfosintaxi, semàntica, psicolingüística, mètodes experimentals; se’n pot consultar un resum a https://www.upf.edu/web/allencam/periferies). Es tindran en compte els coneixements de català, castellà i anglès. La tesi doctoral es durà a terme dins del programa de doctorat de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge de la UPF (https://www.upf.edu/web/phd-tradlangsci).

Per a més detall sobre la convocatòria, es poden consultar les bases de l’any passat 2020 (http://www.aei.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=490233572bed4710VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD)

Els interessats s'han de posar en contacte amb alguna de les IP (Aurora Bel [email protected]; Sílvia Perpiñán [email protected])


Research scholarships

There are several types of research grants and loans for graduate students who wish to enroll in postgraduate programmes and become part of a research group. You can check the following UPF websites for more information on the different types of grants and scholarships available:

UPF Students: Scholarships and grants
This website contains information on undergraduate and postgraduate grants and loans for students, offered by both national and international institutions.

Servei Recerca UPF (Catalan)
This website contains information on predoctoral and postdoctoral scholarships for research personnel.

You can find more information in the summary below by browsing the grants and scholarships for each institution:


AGAUR - Generalitat de Catalunya

Predoctoral scholarships:
FI grants for PhD students. For more information, click here.

Postdoctoral scholarships:
Beatriu de Pinós programme for the incorporation of research personnel. For more information, click here.


Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

Predoctoral scholarships:
FPI and FPU grants for Master's and PhD students. Applicants should conduct their research within a project funded by the Ministerio. For more information, click here (FPI programme), and here (FPU programme).

Postdoctoral scholarships:
Juan de la Cierva Junior Grants for the recruitment of young doctors in R&D centers.
Ramón y Cajal Senior Grants for 5-year contracts of senior doctors in R&D centers.


Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación

MAEC/AECID scholarchips for Spanish and Iberoamerican students to carry out specialized graduate and postgraduate studies in Europe. For further information, click here.


Fullbright Commission

The Fulbright Commission offers grants for foreign students who want to carry out graduate and postgraduate studies in the US, as well as for US students who want to pursue their studies in Spain. For further information, click here.



The European Comission: Marie Curie fellowships

The Marie Curie programme provides fellowships for post-doctoral researchers at European institutions and research centers. More information available here.


Beques de l'Obra social de La Caixa

Obra Social "la Caixa" calls for grants to pursue postgraduate studies in Spain, Europe, North America and Asia. For more information, click here.


Master's and PhD programmes

The members of the group teach in the following MA and PhD programs at Universitat Pompeu Fabra:

Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Click here for further information.

Master's degree programme in Teacher Training for Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Teaching of Languages. Click here for further information.

PhD programme in Translation and Language Sciences. Click here for further information.