- Asociación Española de Filosofía del Deporte
- International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS)
- British Philosophy of Sport Association
- European Association for the Philosophy of Sport
- European College of Sports Science
- International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
- Philosophy of Sport Blog
- International Network on Humanistic Doping
- Uehiro Oxford Center for Practical Ethics
- Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
- Center for ETHICS*
- Center for the Study of Sport in Society
- Institute for International Sport
- Institute of Fair Play in Sport
- TIDES: The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport
- True Sport
- Observatori Català de l'Esport
- Dilemata. Revista Internacional del Éticas Aplicadas
- Iusport
- Revista española de Derecho deportivo
- Derecho deportivo en línea
- Aula de Derecho del Deporte. Universidad de Córdoba