Carlos Ochoa
Ochoa Gómez, Carlos
Carlos Ochoa is a researcher at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM). He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universitat Politènica de Catalunya (UPC) and is currently working on his PhD under the supervision of professor Melanie Revilla (UPF).
Before joining RECSM, Carlos developed his professional career in the private sector, being part of the entrepreneurial team of Netquest for 16 years, an online panel company that provides with data to researchers from different disciplines (social and political science, and market research).
His main interests are survey methodology, web surveys, passive data collection and conjoint analysis.
Research projects
"New opportunities to enhance or extend (mobile) web survey data and get better insights (WEB DATA OPP)." (2020-2025). PI: Dr. Melanie Revilla.
"Netquest methodological research unit, R2online, Research on Research Online". (November 2012-2019). PI: Dr. Melanie Revilla. Additional information.