Back RECSM researchers obtained “la Caixa” grant

RECSM researchers obtained “la Caixa” grant



RECSM researchers Melanie Revilla, Maria Rubio, André Pirralha and Wiebke Weber have been awarded the “la Caixa” grant to support social research projects based on surveys. The project is entitled “Explore this apparent contradiction between the attitudes expressed towards climate change and the limited readiness to engage in environmental policies" and aims to study the causal effects of a) the disposition to behavioural change in general, b) the information about the efficacy of the policies, c) the allocation of responsibilities about climate change and d) the psychological distance to climate change impacts, on the support of people living in Spain to coercive mitigation measures of climate change which stress individual responsibility for action.

More information can be found here:



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Els ODS a la UPF
