We conduct research on the possibility to use new data types that the development of new technologies, and in particular smartphones, make possible. We study how these new types of data can be used instead of or in combination with survey data. The willingness of people to share different data types or complete different survey tasks beyond merely answering questions is key to determine the possibility of using these new data for research. Therefore, we investigate the level of willingness of respondents to complete different survey tasks or to share different types of data, under varying conditions. We consider many different data types but have a particular interest in metered data, i.e., data coming from a tracker installed by respondents on their PCs, smartphones or tablets, which registers the URLs of the webpages visited. This research is developed in collaboration with both other academic researchers and online fieldwork companies.


Research Projects:

"New opportunities to enhance or extend (mobile) web survey data and get better insights (WEB DATA OPP)." (2020-2025). PI: Dr. Melanie Revilla. Additional information

Melanie Revilla gave one of the keynote speeches at the 2021 conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA):


"Netquest methodological research unit, R2online, Research on Research Online". (November 2012-2019). PI: Dr. Melanie RevillaAdditional information 



Selected Publications:

Bosch, O.J., Revilla, M., and E. Paura (2018). Answering mobile surveys with images: an exploration using a computer vision API. Social Science Computer Review. Published online first August 2018. doi: 10.1177/0894439318791515

Ochoa, C. and M. Revilla (2018). To what extent are members of an online panel willing to share different data types? A conjoint experiment. Methodological Innovations. First Published Online August 30, 2018. doi: 10.1177/2059799118796017

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. and D. Versteeg (2016). Getting closer to in the Moment Insights Generation. Combining behavioral data and survey data collection. Proceedings of the ESOMAR World New Orleans Congress September 2016. ISBN: 92-831-0289-4. 

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M., Versteeg, D., and S. van Duivenvoorde (2016). Combining survey based and behavioral data collection: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the 2016 CASRO Digital Research Conference (March 29-30, Austin, Texas, USA).

Revilla, M., Couper, M.P., Bosch, O.J. and M. Asensio (2018). Testing the use of voice input in a mobile web survey." Social Science Computer Review. First Published Online November 26, 2018. doi: 10.1177/0894439318810715 

Revilla, M., Couper, M.P., and C. Ochoa (2018). Willingness of online panelists to perform additional tasks.Methods, data, analyses. Published online first on 05 April, 2018. doi: 10.12758/mda.2018.01

Revilla, M. and C. Ochoa (2018). Alternative methods for selecting web survey samples. International Journal of Market Research, 60(4), 352–365. Article first published online: April 3, 2018. doi: 10.1177/1470785318765537

Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., and G. Loewe (2017). "Using passive data from a meter to complement survey data in order to study online behavior." Social Science Computer Review, 35(4), 521-536. First published online on March 17, 2016. doi:10.1177/0894439316638457.

Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., Voorend, R. and G. Loewe (2015). When Should We Ask, When Should We Measure?. Proceedings of the ESOMAR world Dublin Congress 2015 - Revelations. ISBN: 92-831-0283-5.