Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology 2016
Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology comprises two weeks of intensive program with 13 courses at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Students can select the courses they wish to attend and choose their own program. The program also contains optional social activities to promote the networking among students and between students and professors.
To provide the participants the knowledge about the main issues related to the implementation of survey studies and the best way to deal with them. Understand and apply sophisticated statistical techniques to survey data.
Target group
Students, researchers, business professionals who need to develop good quality surveys and/or need to apply appropriate and up-to-date statistical methods. At the conclusion of the Summer School, participants will receive a certificate for each course and with the number of hours attended.
Week 1 (June 27 - July1)
1. Probability Sampling Methods
Dr. Tarek Al Baghal, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, UK
[27 June - 1 July] Morning
2. Practical Multilevel Modelling with Stata
Dr. Leonardo Grilli & Dr. Carla Rampichini, Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni “G. Parenti” Università di Firenze.
[27 June - 1 July] Morning
3. Designing and Implementing Mobile Web Surveys
[27 June - 1 July] Midday
4. Latent Trait and Latent Class Analysis for cross-national surveys
Dr. Irini Moustaki, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
[27 June - 1 July] Midday
5. Conducting Web Surveys
Dr. Vasja Vehovar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[28 June - 29 June] Afternoon
6. Web Survey Paradata
[30 June - 1 July] Afternoon
Week 2 (July 4 - July 8)
7. Introduction to applied Network Analysis
Dr. Luca De Benedictis, Professor at University of Macerata, Italy.
[4 July - 8 July] Morning
8. Social Media Research/Bid data
Dr. Emilio Zagheni, University of Washington, Seattle.
[4 July - 8 July] Morning
9. Survey Experiments
Dr. Thomas J. Leeper, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
[4 July - 8 July] Midday
10. Bayesian Modelling
Dr. Xavier Fernández i Marín, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU Munich), Germany.
[4 July - 8 July] Midday
11. Questionnaire design
Dr. Mélanie Revilla, Pompeu Fabra University – RECSM, Spain.
[4 July - 5 July] Afternoon
12. Measurement error in surveys
Dr. Mélanie Revilla, Pompeu Fabra University – RECSM, Spain.
[6 July - 7 July] Afternoon
13. Analysing Comparative Longitudinal Survey Data Using Multilevel Models
Dr. Malcolm Fairbrother, University of Bristol, UK.
[6 July - 7 July] Afternoon