Simulation of Cardiac Devices & Drugs for in-silico Testing and Certification
Simulation of Cardiac Devices & Drugs for in-silico Testing and Certification
SimCardioTest will bring a disruptive innovation in the field of clinical trials by creating an integrated and secure platform standardising and bridging model simulations, in-silico trials, and certification support.
Model standards will be developed in agreement with international initiatives such as FieldML, led by the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI, SimCardioTest Advisory Board member). This in-silico testing environment will be validated and will be positioned beyond the state-of-the-art in computational multi physics & multi-scale models of personalised human hearts developed by the academic partners in the project. Healthy/diseased conditions and gender/age differences will be explicitly considered in the simulations to overcome limitations of current clinical trials such as the under-representation of certain groups (e.g. women, children, low socio-economic status) and test therapies for patient-specific pathologies.
Advanced Big Data/Visual analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools such as unsupervised machine learning (ML) and rendering techniques will enable to better explore in-silico trial results and identify more accurate predictions based on new in-silico and measurable biomarkers defined throughout the project.