Image Processing. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Optimization Techniques. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Network Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Audiovisual Systems Engineering)
Image Processing. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Optimization Techniques. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Network Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Audiovisual Systems Engineering)
Image Processing. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Numerical Methods. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering , Audiovisual Systems Engineering and Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Image Processing. (Obligatory in the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering and Optative in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Master Students Supervisions
Joan Sintes Marcos, Image Completion through improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks. 2018 (together with Prof. Coloma Ballester)
Christoph Heidelmann, Automatic Lens Flare Artifacts Detection in Stereo Images via a Deep Learning Approach. 2019 (together with Prof. Coloma Ballester and Prof. Daniel Cremers)
Bachelor Students Supervisions
Clara Garcia Moll, Approaching Image Processing and Computer Vision Problems via Light Field Imaging. 2019 (together with Prof. Coloma Ballester)