Carbajal, G., Vitoria P. , Delbracio M., Musé P. , and Lezama J.. (2019) "Single Image Non-uniform Blur Kernel Estimation via Adaptive Basis Decomposition." Submitted.
Vitoria, P., Raad, L. & Ballester C. (2019). ChromaGAN: An Adversarial Approach for Picture Colorization. Accepted in WACV 2020. 2-5 March. Colorado. Code Supplementary Material
Vitoria, P., Sintes, J. & Ballester C. (2018). Semantic Image Inpainting Through Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks. Accepted as 25 minutes oral presentation in VISAPP 2019. 25-27 February. Prague
Vitoria, P., & Ballester C. (2018). Automatic Flare Spot Artifacts Detection and Removal in Photographs. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Code
Vitoria, P., & Ballester C. (2018). Towards Artifact-free Images through Perceptual Image Restoration. Poster presentation. In: ECCV 2018. Workshop and Challenge on Perceptual Image Restoration and Manipulation. September 8-14, 2018. Code
Vitoria, P., Fedorov V., & Ballester C. (2017). Spatio-temporal tube segmentation through a video metrics-based patch similarity measure. Proceedings of the 19th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing confence (IMVIP 2017), pp. 147-154.