I am teaching at the UPF Master's in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Contact me if you are interested in topics related to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning in NLP, etc.

I am currently supervising:

  • Rodolfo Zevallos 

PhD Dissertations I supervised:

  • Rui He (2025): Language as a digital biomarker across mental disorders: automatic detection and relation to brain dysfunction. Cosupervised with Wolfram Hinzen, UPF.
  • Marina Fomicheva  (2017): Modeling acceptable variation between candidate and reference translations in the context of machine translation evaluation. Cosupervisor with Iria da Cunha, UNED.
  • Jingyi Han (2017): Phrase Table Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with reduced parallel corpora: the Chinese-Spanish Case
  • Silvia Necsulescu (2016) Automatic acquisition of lexical-semantic relations. Gathering information in a dense representation
  • Silvia Vázquez Suárez (2016) Pattern-Based Automatic Induction of Domain Adapted Resources for Social Media Analysis
  • Lauren Romeo (2015) The structure of the lexicon in the task of the automatic acquisition of lexical information
  • Sheila Queralt (2015) Estudio Piloto para la evaluación de evidencias lingüísticas en la comparación forense de textos mediante distribuciones poblacionales y relaciones de verosimilitudes. Cosupervisor with Lawrence M. Solan.
  • Hèctor Martínez (2013) Annotation of regular polysemy. An empirical assessment of the underspecied sense. Cosupervisor with Bolette Pedersen, University of Copenhanguen.
  • Gabriela Resnik (2012) Los nombre eventivos no deverbales en español. Cosupervisor with Àlex Alsina, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.