Bel, N.; Punsola, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, V.. CatCoLA: Catalan Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2024; 73: 177-190. |
Sierra G.; Bel-Enguix G.; Diaz-Velasco A.; Guerrero-Ceron N.; Bel N.. An aligned corpus of Spanish bibles. Language Resources and Evaluation 2024. |
He R.; Chapin K.; Al-Tamimi J.; Bel N.; Marquie M.; Rosende-Roca M.; Pytel V.; Tartari J.P.; Alegret M.; Sanabria A.; Ruiz A.; Boada M.; Valero S.; Hinzena W.. Automated Classification of Cognitive Decline and Probable Alzheimer's Dementia Across Multiple Speech and Language Domains. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2023; 32(5). |
Pisani M.; Zevallos R.; Bel N.. Catalan Parliamentary Plenary Session Transcriptions from 2015 to 2022. The ParlaMintCAT Corpus Las transcripciones de las sesiones plenarias del Parlamento de Cataluña desde 2015 a 2022, el corpus ParlaMintCAT. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2023; 0(71): 125-136. |
Aguado M.; Bel N.. A Corpus of Spanish clinical records annotated for abbreviation identification. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2022; 68: 99-109. |
Bel N, Bracons G, Anderberg S. Finding evidence of fraudster companies in the ceo¿s letter to shareholders with sentiment analysis. Information (Switzerland) 2021; 12(8). |
Agerri R.; Bel N.; Rigau G.; Saggion H.. TUNER: Multifaceted domain adaptation for advanced textual semantic processing. First results available. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2018; 61: 163-166. |
Gracia, Jorge; Villegas, Marta; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Bel, Núria. The apertium bilingual dictionaries on the web of data. Semantic Web 2018; 9(2): 231-240. |
Bel, Núria; Diz-Pico, Jorge; Marimon, Montserrat; Pocostales, Joel. Classifying short texts for a Social Media Monitoring System.. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2017; (59): 57-64. |
Han, Jingyi; Bel, Núria. Enriching low resource SMT using induced bilingual lexicons. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2017; (59): 91-98. |
Bel, N.; González-Blano, E.; Iruskieta, M.. Clarin Centro-K Español. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2016; 57: 151-154. |
Bel, Núria; Marimon, Montserrat. Les indústries de la llengua i la tecnologia per al català. Llengua i ús 2016; (58): 17-26. |
Cao S, Da Cunha I, Bel N. An analysis of the Concession relation based on the discourse marker aunque in a Spanish-Chinese parallel corpus. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2016; 56: 81-88. |
Rehm G, Uszkoreit H, Ananiadou S, Bel N. The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level. Language Resources and Evaluation 2016; 50(2): 351-374. |
Marimon, M.; Bel, N. Dependency structure annotation in the IULA Spanish LSP Treebank Language Resources and Evaluation 2015; 49(2): 433-454. |
Villegas, Marta; Bel, Núria. PAROLE/SIMPLE "lemon" ontology and lexicons. Semantic Web 2015; 6(4): 363-369. |
Arano-Poggi, Silvia; Bel, Núria. Datos enlazados de publicaciones, proyectos y herramientas para investigadores en humanidades digitales: catálogo piloto del centro Clarin IULA-UPF. Profesional de la Informacion 2014; 23(6): 633-642. |
Marimon, Montserrat; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Padró, Lluís. Automatic selection of HPSG-parsed sentences for treebank construction. Computational Linguistics 2014; 40(3): 523-531. |
Soria C, Calzolari N, Monachini M, Quochi V, Bel N, Choukri K, Mariani J, Odijk J, Piperidis S. The language resource Strategic Agenda: the FLaReNet synthesis of community recommendations. Language Resources and Evaluation 2014; 48(4): 1-23. |
Vázquez S, Muñoz-García O, Campanella I, Poch M, Fisas B, Bel N, Andreu G. A classification of user-generated content into consumer decision journey stages. Neural Networks 2014; 58: 68-81. |