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Bel N, Punsola M, Ruiz-Fernández V. EsCoLA: Spanish Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability. In: VV.AA.. LREC-COLING 2024. ICCL; 2024. p. 6268-6277.

Zevallos R, Bel N. Hints on the data for language modeling of synthetic languages with transformers. In: Anna Rogers, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Naoaki Okazaki. Proceedins of the 61st Conference of the the Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2023. p. 12508-12522.

Zevallos R, Bel N, Farrus M. Frequency Balanced Datasets Lead to Better Language Models. In: -. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023. 2023. p. 7859-7872.

Zevallos R, Bel N, Cámbara G, Farrús M, Luque J. Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Quechua ASR Improvement. In: Ko H, Hansen JHL. Proceedings of Interspeech 2022. International Speech Communication Association; 2022. p. 3518-3522.

Zevallos R, Ortega JE, Chen W, Castro R, Bel N, Yoshikawa C, Ventura R, Aradiel H, Melgarejo N. Introducing QuBERT: A Large Monolingual Corpus and BERT Model for Southern Quechua. In: Colin Cherry, Angela Fan, George Foster, Gholamreza (Reza) Haffari, Shahram Khadivi, Nanyun (Violet) Peng, Xiang Ren, Ehsan Shareghi, and Swabha Swayamdipta. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Deep Learning for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing. Computational Linguistics; 2022. p. 1-13.

Bel, Nuria; Zong, Chengqing. Preface: Program Co-Chair COLING 2020. In: Scott D, Bel N, Zong C. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'2020). International Committee on Computational Linguistics; 2020.

Georg Rehm, Katrin Marheinecke, Stefanie Hegele, Stelios Piperidis, Kalina Bontcheva, Jan Hajic, Khalid Choukri, Andrejs Vasiljevs, Gerhard Backfried, Christoph Prinz, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Luc Meertens, Paul Lukowicz, Josef van Genabith, Andrea Lösch, Philipp Slusallek, Morten Irgens, Patrick Gatellier, Joachim Köhler, Laure Le Bars, Dimitra Anastasiou, Albina Auksori¿t¿, Núria Bel, António Branco, Gerhard Budin, Walter Daelemans, Koenraad De Smedt, Radovan Garabík, Maria Gavriilidou, Dagmar Gromann,. The European Language Technology Landscape in 2020: Language-Centric and Human-Centric AI for Cross-Cultural Communication in Multilingual Europe. In: Calzolari N, Bechet F, Blache P, Choukri K, Cieri C, Declerck T, Goggi S, Isahara H, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Mazo H, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2020. p. 3322-3332.

Bel, Núria. El papel de la administración pública en las infraestructuras lingüísticas. In: AA. VV.. Actas VIII Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE). Córdoba: Instituto Cervantes; 2019.

Bel, Núria; Pocostales, Joel. Can Domain Adaptation be Handled as Analogies?. In: Calzolari N, Choukri K, Cieri C, Declerck T, Goggi S, Hasida K, Isahara H, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Mazo H, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S, Tokunaga T. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018. European Language Resources Association; 2018. p. 2559-2565.

Marimon, Montserrat; Vivaldi, Jorge; Bel, Núria. Annotation of negation in the IULA Spanish Clinical Record Corpus. In: Blanco E, Morante R, Saurí R (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Semantics Beyond Events and Roles. SemBEaR 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 43-52.

Del Tredici, Marco; Bel, Nuria. Assessing the Potential of Metaphoricity of verbs using corpus data. In: Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 4573-4577.

Fomicheva M, Bel N, Specia L, da Cunha I, Malinovskiy A. CobaltF: a fluent metric for MT evaluation. In: -. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2. East Stroudsburg PA: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2016. p. 483-490.

Fomicheva, Marina; Bel, Núria. Using Contextual Information for Machine Translation Evaluation. In: Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 2755-2761.

Han J, Bel N. Towards producing bilingual lexica from monolingual corpora. In: Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 2222-2227.

Pontiki, M.; Galanis, D.; Papageorgiou, H.; Androutsopoulos, I.; Manandhar, S.; Mohammad, A. S.; Bel, N.. SemEval-2016 task 5: Aspect based sentiment analysis. In: Bethard, S.; Carpuat, M.; Cer, D.; Jurgens, D.; Nakov, P.; Zesch, T.. Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on semantic evaluation (SemEval-2016) Association for Computational Linguistics; 2016. p. 19-30.

Villegas, Marta; Melero, Maite; Bel, Núria; Gracia, Jorge. Leveraging RDF Graphs for Crossing Multiple Bilingual Dictionaries. In: Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 868-876.

Del Tredici, Marco; Bel Rafecas, Núria. A word-embedding-based sense index for regular polysemy representation. In: -. 1st Workshop on Vector Space Modeling for Natural Language Processing 2015. Red Hook, NY Curran; 2015. p. 70-78.

Fomicheva, M.; Bel, N.; Da Cunha, I.. Neutralizing the Effect of Translation Shifts on Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation. In: Gelbukh, Alexandre (ed.). Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 16th International Conference. Proceedings 1. Springer; 2015. p. 596-607.

Fomicheva, Marina; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Da Cunha Fanego, Iria; Malinovskiy, Anton. UPF-Cobalt Submission to WMT15 Metrics Task. In: Màrquez, L. (ed.). Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015). East Stroudsburg PA: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2015. p. 373-379.

Jingyi H, Bel N. Towards phrase table expansion using automatically induced bilingual lexica. In: Gupta, P.; Banchs, R.E.; Rosso, P. (eds.). IWES International Workshop on Embeddings and Semantics SEPLN 2015. 2015.

Necsulescu, Silvia; Mendes, Sara; Jurgens, David; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Navigli, Roberto. Reading Between the Lines: Overcoming Data Sparsity for Accurate Classification of Lexical Relationships. In: Palmer M, Boleda G, Rosso P (eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (SEM2015). 2015. p. 182-192.

Arias, B.; Bel, N.; Lorente, M.; Marimón, M.; Milà, A.; Vivaldi, J.; Padró, M.; Fomicheva, M.; Larrea, I. Boosting the Creation of a Treebank. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 775-781.

De Smedt, K.; Hinrichs, E.; Meurers, D.; Skadina, I.; Pedersen, B.; Navarretta, C.; Bel, N.; Linden, K.; Lopatkova, M.; Hajic, J.; Andersen, G.; Lenkiewicz, P.. CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014.

Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Núria; Fisas, Beatriz; Arias, Blanca; Vázquez, Silvia; Vivaldi, Jorge; Morell, Carlos; Lorente, Mercè. The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 782-788.

Necsulescu, S.; Mendes, S.; Bel, N.. Combining Dependency Information and Generalization in a Pattern-based Approach to the Classification of Lexical-Semantic Relation Instances. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014.

Poch, Marc; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Navío, Felipe. Ranking Job Offers for Candidates: Learning Hidden Knowledge from Big Data. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 2076-2082.

Romeo, L.; Mendes, S.; Bel, N.. Using unmarked contexts in nominal lexical sementic classification. In: Tsujii, J.; Hajic, J. (eds.). Proceedings fo COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2014. p. 508-519.

Romeo, Lauren; Lebani, Gianluca E.; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Lenci, Alessandro. Choosing which to use? A Study of Distributional Models for Nominal Lexical Semantic Classification. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 4366-4373.

Romeo, Lauren; Mendes, Sara; Bel Rafecas, Núria. A Cascade Approach for Complex-type Classification. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 4451-4458.

Villegas, M.; Melero, M.; Bel, N.. Metadata as Linked Open Data: mapping disparate XML metadata registries into one RDF/OWL registry. In: Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Loftsson, H.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Moreno, A.; Odijk, J.; Piperidis, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association; 2014. p. 393-400.

Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Sandford Pedersen, Bolette; Bel Rafecas, Núria. Annotation of regular polysemy and underspecification. In: Schuetze, H.; Fung, P.; Poesio, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computional Linguistics (Long Papers). Association for Computational Linguistics; 2013. p. 725-730.

Muñoz-García, O.; Vázquez, S.; Bel, N.. Exploiting web-based collective knowledge for micropost normalisation. In: Díaz Esteban, A.; Alegria Loinaz, I.; Villena Román, J.. Actas del XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de lenguaje natural. SEPLN; 2013. p. 47-51.

Romeo, Lauren; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Bel Rafecas, Núria. Class-based Word Sense Induction for dot-type nominals. In: Saurí, R.; Calzolari, N.; Huang, C.R.; Lenci, A.; Monachini, M.; Pustejovsky. J. (ed.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics. 2013. p. 76-83.

Romeo, Lauren; Mendes, Sara; Bel Rafecas, Núria. Towards the automatic classification of complex-type nominals. In: Saurí, R.; Calzolari, N.; Huang, C.R.; Lenci, A.; Monachini, M.; Pustejovsky. J. (ed.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics. 2013. p. 21-28.

Bel, Núria Papavasiliou, Vassilis; Prokopidis, Prokopis (et al.). Mining and Exploiting Domain-Specific Corpora in the PANACEA Platform. In: Rapp, Reinhard (et al.) (ed.). The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). Istanbul: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 24-26.

Bel, Núria; Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio. PANACEA (Platform for Automatic, Normalised Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies). In: -. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation: EAMT 2012. 2012.

Bel, Núria; Queralt Estevez, Sheila; S. Spassova, Maria; Turell, M. Teresa. The use of sequences of linguistic categories in forensic written text comparison revisited In: Tobilin, Samuel; MacLeod, Nicci; Sousa-Silva, Rui; Coulthard, Malcolm. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Linguistis' Tenth Biennal Conference. Birmingham: Centre for Forensic Linguistics, Aston University; 2012. p. 192-209.

Bel, Núria; Romeo, Lauren and Padró, Muntsa. Automatic Lexical Semantic Classification of Nouns. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 1448-1455.

Marimon, Montserrat; Fisas, Beatriz; Bel, Núria; Arias, Blanca; Vázquez, Silvia; Vivaldi, Jorge; Torner Castells, Sergi; Villegas, Marta; Lorente, Mercè. The IULA Treebank. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 1920-1026.

Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Bel, Núria; Sandford Pedersen, Bolette. A voting scheme to detect semantic underspecification. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 569-575.

Morell, Carlos; Vivaldi, Jorge; Bel, Núria. Iula2Standoff: a tool for creating standoff documents for the IULACT. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 351-356.

Padró, Muntsa; Bel, Núria. Web services for Bayesian Learning. In: Berwick, Robert; Korhonen, Anna; Poibeau, Thierry, Villavicencio, Aline (eds.). Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Association for Computational Linguistics; 2012. p. 29-31.

Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio; Bel, Núria. Language Resources Factory: case study on the acquisition of Translation Memories. In: Segond, Frédérique (Ed.). Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2012. p. 1-5.

Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio; Hamon, Olivier; Quochi, Valeria; Bel, Núria. Towards a User-Friendly Platform for Building Language Resources based on Web Services. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 1156-1163.

Romeo, Lauren; Mendes, Sara; Bel, Núria. Using Qualia Information to Identify Lexical Semantic Classes in an Unsupervised Clustering Task. In: Varios Autores. Proceedings of COLING 2012: 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING 2012. Mumbai: 2012. p. 1029-1038.

Soria, Claudia; Bel, Núria; Choukri, Khalid. The FLaReNet Strategic Language Resource Agenda. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 1379-1386.

Vázquez, Silvia; Bel, Núria. A classification of adjectives for polarity lexicons enhancement. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 3557-3561.

Vázquez, Silvia; Padró, Muntsa; Bel, Núria; Gonzalo, Julio. Automatic Extraction of Polar Adjectives for the Creation of Polarity Lexicons. In: Varios Autores. Proceedings of COLING 2012: 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING 2012. Mumbai: 2012. p. 1271-1280.

Villegas, Marta; Bel, Núria; Gonzalo, Carlos; Moreno, Amparo; Simelio, Nuria. Using Language Resources in Humanities research. In: Calzolari, NIcoletta; Chiukri, Khalid; Declerck, Thierry et al. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2012. p. 3284-3288.

Bel Rafecas, Núria; Padró, M.; Necsulescu, S.. A method towards the fully automatic merging of lexical resources. In: Wang, Haifeng; Yarowsky, David. Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Chiang Mai: Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing; 2011.

Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Sandford Pedersen, Bolette; Bel Rafecas, Núria. Identification of sense selection in regular polysemy using shallow features. In: Standford Pedersen, Bolette; Nespore, Gunta; Skadia, Inguna. Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA. Latvia: NEALT; 2011. p. 18-25.

Necsulescu, Silvia; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Padró, Muntsa; Marimon, Montserrat; Revilla, Eva. Towards the automatic merging of language resources. In: Sagot, Benoît. Proceedings of first international Workshop on Lexical Resources. Ljubljana: WoLeR; 2011. p. 71-78.

Poch, Marc; Bel, Núria. Interoperability and Technology for a Language Resources Factory. In: Wang, Haifeng; Yarowsky, David. Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Chiang Mai: Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing; 2011. p. 32-40.

Villegas, M.; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Moreno, A.; Simelio, N.. Analizing focus & deshumanization in news headlines using avanced explotation tools. In: -. Proceedings of Digital Humanities; Supporting Digital Humanities: answering the unaskable. Copenhagen: Center for Language Technology. University of Copenhagen; 2011.

Bel Rafecas, Núria. Handling of missing values in lexical acquisition. In: -. Proceedings of LREC 2010. Valletta: ELRA; 2010. p. 2728-2735.

Bel, Núria; Revilla, Eva. El proyecto CLARIN: una infraestructura de investigación científica para las humanidades y las ciencias sociales. In: AA.VV.. Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AESLA: Modos y formas de la comunicación humana (AESLA 2009). Ciudad Real: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; 2010. p. 915-921.

Martínez, Héctor; Villegas, Marta; Bel, Núria; Bel, Santiago; Alemany, Francesca. Lexicography in the gird environment. In: -. Proceedings of eLex 2009, Louvain-la-Neuve, 22-24 October 2009. Louvain: Presses universitaires de Louvain; 2010. p. 431-437.

Parra, Carla; Villegas, Marta; Bel, Núria. The BAsic Metadata DEScription (BADMES) and Towards Sustainability and Visibility of LRT. Available in: In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10). Valletta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2010. p. 49-53.

Villegas, Marta Bel, Núria; Bel, Santiago; Rodríguez, Víctor. A Case Study on Interoperability for Language Resources and Applications. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10). Valletta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2010. p. 3512-3519.

Wittenburg, Peter; Bel, Nuria; Borisn, Lars ( Resource and service centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infraestructure. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10). Valletta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2010. p. 60-63.

Resnik, Gabriela; Bel, Núria. Automatic Detection of Non-deverbal Event Nouns in Spasnish. In: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Pisa: Instituto di Linguistica Computazionale; 2009. p. 1-1.

Revilla, Eva; Villegas, Marta; Parra, Carles; Bel, Núria. El proyecto CLARIN: una infraestructura de investigación científica para las humanidades y las ciencias sociales. In: -. A survey on corpus-based research = Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus [Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus (CICL-09), 7-9 Mayo 2009, Universidad de Murcia]. Asociación Española de Lingüística del Corpus; 2009. p. 691-701.

Bel, Núria Espeja, S; Marimon, M. The Structure of the Lexicon in the Task of Automatic Lexical Acquisition. In: Bernal, Elisenda; DeCesaris, Janet (ed.). Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008). Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2008. p. 285-290.

Bel, Núria; Bel, Santiago. Measuring standards in Lexical Resources . In: Calzolari, Nicoletta (et al.). Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08). 2008. p. 15-20.

Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat. COLDIC, a Lexicographic Platform for LMF compliant lexica. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta (et al.). Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08). 2008. p. 3-4.

Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat. Automatic acquisition for low frequency lexical items. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta (et al.). Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08). 2008. p. 1-2.

Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat. Automatic Acquisition of Grammatical Types for Nouns. In: AA.VV.. Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Companion Volume, Short Papers. Rochester; New York: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2007. p. 5-8.

Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Seghezzi, Natalia. The Spanish Resource Grammar: Pre-processing Strategy and Lexical Acquisition. In: Baldwin, Timothy (ed.). Proceedings of the ACL2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing . Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2007. p. 105-111.

Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat. New tools for the encoding of lexical data extracted from corpus. In: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation . Paris: European Language Resources Association ; 2006. p. 1362-1367.

Francopoulo, Gil; Bel, Núria; George, Monte;Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica. Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) for NLP Multilingual Resources. In: Witt, Andreas (et al.) (ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability (COLING - ACL 2006) . Sydney: Association for Computational Linguistics ; 2006. p. 1-8.

Bel, Núria. Corpus representativeness for syntactic information acquistion. In: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the student research workshop, interactive posters-demonstrations, and tutorial abstracts. Barcelona: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2004. p. 138-141.

Bel, Núria; H.A. Koster, C.; Villegas, M.. Cross-effective cross-lingual document classification. In: -. IV International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2004. París: European Language Resources Association; 2004. p. 1915-1918.

Marimon, Montserrat; Bel Rafecas, Núria. Lexical entry templates for robust deep parsing. In: -. IV International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2004. París: European Language Resources Association; 2004. p. 2209-2212.

Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Núria. A Hybrid NLP System for NLIs. In: Angelova, G.; Bontcheva, K.; Mitkov, R.; Nicolov, N. (Eds.). Recent advances in natural language processing: RANLP. Borovets: 2003. p. 250-253.

Atkins, S.; Bel, Núria; Bertagna, F.; Bouillon, P.; Calzolari, N.; Fellbaum, C.; Grishman, R.; Lenci, A.; MacLeod, C.; Palmer, M.; Thurmair, G.; Villegas, M.; Zampolli, A.. From Resources to Applications. Designing the Multilingual ISLE Lexical Entry. In: González Rodríguez, M; Suarez Araujo, C. (eds.). Proceedings of LREC 2002. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Paris: European Language Resources Association; 2002. p. 587-693.

Bel, Núria; Caminero, J.; Hernández, L.; Marimón, M.; Morlesín, J.F.; Otero, J.M.; Relaño, J.; Rogríguez, M.C.; Ruz, P.M.; Tapias, D.. Design and Evaluation of a SLDS for E-Mail Access troough the Telephone. In: González Rodríguez, M; Suarez Araujo, C. (eds.). Proceedings of LREC 2002. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Paris: European Language Resources Association; 2002. p. 537-544.

Villegas, M.; Bel, Núria. From DTDs to relational dBs. An automatic generation of a lexicographical station out off ISLE guidelines. In: González Rodríguez, M; Suarez Araujo, C. (eds.). Proceedings of LREC 2002. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Paris: European Language Resources Association; 2002. p. 694-700.

Calzolari, N.; Lenci, A.; Zampolli, A.; Bel, Núria; Villegas, M.; Thurmair, G.. The ISLE in the Oceanic Transatlantic Standars for Multilingual Lexicons (with an Eye to Machine Translation). In: AA.VV.. MT Summit VIII Machine Translation in the Information Age, Santiago de Compostela, 18-22 september 2001 Proceedings of the Conference and Workshops. Santiago de Compostela: EAMT; 2001.

Marimon, M.; Porta, J.; Bel, Núria. On Distributing the Analysis Process of a Broad-coverage Unification-based Grammar. In: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the Euroconference: Recent Advances in NLP. Tzigov Chark: 2001. p. 276-278.

Bel, Núria; Busa, F.; Calzolari, N.; Gola, E.; Lenci, A.; Monachini, M.; Ogonowski, A.; Peters, I.; Peters, W.; Ruimy, N.; Villegas, M.; Zampolli, A.. SIMPLE: A General Framework for the Development of Multilingual Lexicons. In: Gavrilidou M.; Crayannis G.; Markantonatu S.; Piperidis S.; Stainhaouer G. (eds.). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2000) . European Language Resources Association; 2000. p. 1379-1384.

Villegas, M.; Bel, Núria; Lenci, A.; Calzolari, N.; Ruimy, N.; Zampolli, A.; Sadurni, T.; Soler, J.. Multilingual linguistic resources: from monolingual lexicons to bilingual interrelated lexicons. In: Gavrilidou M.; Crayannis G.; Markantonatu S.; Piperidis S.; Stainhaouer G. (eds.). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2000) . European Language Resources Association; 2000. p. 1193-1200.

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