TONAS: a dataset of flamenco a cappella sung melodies with corresponding manual transcriptions
This dataset contains a music collection of 72 sung excerpts representative of three a cappella singing styles (Deblas, two variants of Martinete).
The distribution is as follows:
- 16 Deblas
- 36 Martinete 1
- 20 Martinete 2
This collection was built in the context of a study on similarity and style classification of flamenco a cappella singing styles (Tonas) by the flamenco expert Dr. Joaquin Mora, Universidad de Sevilla.
We refer to (Mora et al. 2010) for a comprehensive description of the considered styles and their musical characteristics. All 72 excerpts are monophonic, their average duration is 30 seconds and there is enough variability for a proper evaluation of our methods, including a variety of singers, recording conditions, presence of percussion, clapping, background voices and noise.
We also provide manual melodic transcriptions, generated by the COFLA team and Cristina López Gómez, as explained below.