Roadmap in Sound and Music Computing
Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound
Starting date: June 1st 2004; Ending date: May 31st 2007
Reference: FP6-003773
- Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia, Firenze - Italy (Coordinator);
- Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm – Sweden;
- CSC DEI, Università di Padova, Padova – Italy;
- DI-VIPS, Università di Verona, Verona – Italy;
- DIST, Università di Genova, Genova – Italy;
- Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki – Finland;
- PECA DEC, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris – France;
- IPEM, Ghent – Belgium; LEAD, Dijon – France;
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona – Spain;
- OFAI Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Wien - Austria
This was a Coordination Action of the 6th Framework Programme of the EC conceived to prepare the scientific grounds on which to build the next generation of scientific research on sound and its perceptual/cognitive reflexes.
The overall objectives were:
- To establish a reference framework for all the thematic areas in Sound and Music Computing catered by the best experts available in Europe and abroad by setting up the appropriate communication and information sharing tools on all fields (website, mailing lists, publications, good practice statements and references, etc.);
- To develop a research roadmap for Sound and Music Computing and their research applications, to assess the current state of the art and likely future research directions (propose industrial projects, joint projects, ..);
- To promote advanced scientific studies and extensive reporting on all thematic areas through the organization of dedicated and specialized international thematic workshops;
- To assist in training and development of new researchers in this area through the constitution of a program of training and mobility dedicated to professionals and post-graduate students;
- To disseminate the research activity coordinated within S2S2 to potential beneficiaries and external collaborators such as industry and international groups (participating to conferences, contributing to international standards, etc.);
Major outcomes of the project included the Sound and Music Computing Roadmap and the book "Sound to Sense - Sense to Sound: A State of the Art in Sound and Music Computing". These outcomes are available on the web site that also resulted from the action: http://SMCNetwork.org