Platform for search of Audio-visual Resources across Online Spaces

PHAROS Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces

Started in January 2007, finished in December 2009.

PHAROS was an Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union under the Information Society Technologies Programme (6th Framework Programme) – Strategic Objective ‘Search Engines for Audiovisual Content’ (2.6.3)

PHAROS objectives:

-Develop a scalable and open search framework which lets users search, explore, discover, and analyze contextually relevant data which can be audiovisual, structured, or unstructured in origin.

-Analyze, design, and develop context and user technologies taking into account personalization, trust, and adaptability

-Ensure the interoperability of the Core Technologies and Context and User Technologies in an environment which enables applications to be built on a service-oriented architecture which will allow the effective deployment of diverse information access solutions incorporating audiovisual content sources.

-Set up an application scenario, called the PHAROS showcase, built of the PHAROS platform, which is a game changing real world application demonstrating effective business and consumer scenarios.

-Define a suitable sustainability model with an open, federating and aggregating approach, guaranteeing the replicability of PHAROS results in a multi-industry scenario

-Raise awareness about the importance of PHAROS initiatives among relevant user-communities.

Music Technology Group contributions:

-Music Annotation Web Service
-Music Similarity Web Service
-Multimodal Annotation Component
-Audio Fingerprinting demonstration

PHAROS parterns:

-Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.- Italy
-France Telecom - France
-Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) - Norway
-L3S Research Center - Germany
-Fraunhofer IDMT - Germany
-Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Switzerland
-The Knowledge Media Institute, Open University - U.K.
-Music Technology Group of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Spain
-VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
-Circom Regional - France
-Metaware S.p.A. - Italy
-Web Models - Italy
-SAIL LABS Technology AG - Austria