Back Lonce Wyse joins the MTG as TECNIOSpring fellow

Lonce Wyse joins the MTG as TECNIOSpring fellow

His work will support the technology transfer activity for music learning technologies


Lonce Wyse and the MTG were awarded with a TECNIOSpring fellowship in the last call of the TECNIOSpring Industry program by ACCIO (Catalan Government’s industry agency). It is an international mobility fellowship program that facilitates experienced researchers to join a TECNIO centre (like the MTG) to develop a research project focusing on technology transfer. TECNIOSpring Industry program is co-financed by the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions of the European Union.

Thanks to this program, Lonce Wyse joins the MTG after a long experience in teaching and research at the Department Communications and New Media at National University of Singapore, where he was associate professor and directed the Arts and Creativity Lab. His recent research focus has been on learning models for audio texture synthesis and interaction.

Lonce will work with Rafael Ramírez to investigate and exploit the use of technology for music learning. In particular, new audio processing, artificial intelligence, and motion capture technologies. He will join the Skynote project to create mature technologies for acquiring, analyzing, and modeling music performance data in a grounded pedagogical and learning environment. He will also work on the exploitation and commercialization process of the technology.

Welcome Lonce!


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