Seminar by Lonce Wyse on Audio and Interaction
31 Oct 2013
Lonce Wyse, from National University of Singapore, gives a talk on 'Audio and Interaction through the Browser' on Thursday Oct 31st, 2013 at 15.30h in room 52.321
Abstract: Emerging web standards are just beginning to address the vast unrealized potential for sound on the browser platform. The first small steps toward a capable sound synthesis system have been made with the Web API, but there are many shortcomings in its performance and usability. With faster engines and good libraries, Javascript has become the lingua franca for client side programming, and is making inroads on the server side as well, though issues remain from the perspective of sound. In this talk, I will discuss recent developments of the web platform for sound, and present several projects from my lab that are moving toward creating an ecosystem of support for sound design, synthesis, interaction, collaboration, and performance with sound on the web.
Biography: Lonce Wyse received his PhD in Cognitive and Neural systems from Boston University in 1994 with a dissertation on pitch perception. He is now an Associate Professor of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. He also directs the Arts and Creativity Lab and an Art/Science Residency Program at the NUS Interactive and Digital Media Institute. He is currently spending a semester sabbatical visiting the Music Technology Group at UPF.