Back V-Heart SN, the Spanish network to facilitate the use of virtual hearts in the daily clinical practice

V-Heart SN, the Spanish network to facilitate the use of virtual hearts in the daily clinical practice

V-Heart SN is promoted by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and its consortium in which participates Oscar Camara, researcher of the PhySense research group, BCN MedTech Center of the Department of Information Technology and Communications (DTIC) of the UPF, together with eight universities and research centers more have carried out the Spanish Research Network for Cardiac Computational Modelling ("Red Española de Investigación en Modelización Computacional Cardiaca", in Spanish) under the acronym V-Heart SN. This network is intended to make the use of virtual hearts easier by employing computational models in daily clinical practice, which will allow doctors to design personalized and more effective and safer therapies.



V-Heart SN is promoted by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and its consortium in which participates Oscar Camara, researcher of the PhySense research groupBCN MedTech Center of the Department of Information Technology and Communications (DTIC) of the UPF, together with eight universities and research centers more have carried out the Spanish Research Network for Cardiac Computational Modelling ("Red Española de Investigación en Modelización Computacional Cardiaca", in Spanish) under the acronym V-Heart SN. This network is intended to make the use of virtual hearts easier by employing computational models in daily clinical practice, which will allow doctors to design personalized and more effective and safer therapies.

See full UPF news here

The network in media such as La Vanguardia