Back Ethical and responsible approach in research and development projects - meetup group

Ethical and responsible approach in research and development projects - meetup group



After the interest raised by the session organised between members of DTIC and from the UPF Dept. of Law on The AI Act and its effects on research and technology transfer, a discussion group around the promotion of ethical and responsible approaches in research and development projects has been created, in collaboration with the AI-Boost EU project. The group is led by Manuel Portela, Nataly Buison and Aurelio Ruiz at DTIC-UPF, and Migle Laukyte from the UPF Dept. of Law.

A google group to share and discuss any related activity has been created to receive invitations (contact Manuel Portela for details). Calendar of meetings:

April 16th, 2024. 12:30h - 14h, Room 55.410.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
