Back Critical art practices within Generative Music AI

Critical art practices within Generative Music AI



Presentation and open discussion, on Monday, April 29th, 18:30, at Sala Nau (UPF Poblenou) and online. Full information.


Date: April 29th, at 18:30h
Place: Sala Nau, UPF Campus Poblenou, Roc Boronat 138, Bacelona, and online
Registration: Attendance is free, but registration is needed: Registration form

Moisés Horta Valenzuela

Recording under the name 𝔥𝔢𝔵𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔦𝔰𝔪𝔬𝔰, Moisés Horta is redefining the possibilities of music. His new album ‘MUTUALISMX’, released on Nicolas Jaar’s Other People label, is a radical collaborative and technological project, where contributors ranging from Ale Hop and KMRU to Khyam Allami and Portrait XO use his SEMILLA.AI synthesiser to interact with an AI to create bold new music. Based on principles taken from ancient Mexican techniques for predicting the future, SEMILLA is a generative audio tool like no other.

Roser Batlle Roca 

Roser Batlle Roca, telecom engineer, is a predoctoral researcher on transparency and ethics in music generative AI at the MTG-UPF, in collaboration with the JRC-EC (Joint Research Centre-European Commission) and Sony AI. 

Błażej Kotowski

Błażej Kotowski is an artist and a predoctoral researcher on creativity and controllability in music AI at MTG-UPF. 

This event is part of the Cátedra UPF-BMAT en Inteligencia Articial y Música (TSI-100929-2023-1). Project funded by Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, and Unión Europea-Next Generation EU



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