Back 38th International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2024)

38th International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2024)


CARS 2024 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

38th International Congress and Exhibition
Barcelona, Spain, June 18 – 21, 2024
Joint Meeting of IFCARS / ISCAS / CMI / CAD-AI / IPCAI

Miguel Á. González Ballester, PhD, Barcelona MedTech, DTIC, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
CARS 2024 President

Heinz U. Lemke, PhD
CARS Organizer

The CARS Congress is the annual event for a distinguished international community of scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis.

Founded in 1983, CARS has played a leading role in medical and imaging informatics for more than 40 years by focusing on research and development on novel algorithms and systems and their applications in radiology and surgery. Its growth and impact is due to CARS’s close collaboration with the IFCARS, ISCAS, CAR, CAD-AI, CMI and IPCAI organizations.

Recent successful CARS congresses have taken place in Barcelona, Berlin, Paris, San Francisco, London, Chicago, Osaka, Geneva, Pisa, Fukuoka, Heidelberg, Rennes, Munich and Tokyo.

The overall theme for CARS 2024 is directed towards AI in the Digital Operating Room, Model Guided Medicine and AI based decision making in Radiology.

At the CARS congress you will have the opportunity to meet scholars and practicing experts in the fields of radiology, surgery, clinical medicine, engineering, informatics and healthcare management who have an interest in topics, such as

  • advanced medical imaging and biomarkers
  • image- and model-guided interventions
  • image processing and visualization
  • artificial/machine intelligence in radiology and surgery
  • intelligent operating room of the future
  • decision and action support in surgical management
  • computer aided diagnosis
  • patient-specific modelling
  • medical simulation and evaluation
  • surgical navigation and robotics
  • model-guided and personalised medicine
  • machine learning
  • multidisciplinary computational anatomy
  • integrated patient care
  • surgineering
  • hospital of the future