
Scientific publications in 2016-2017

A key indicator about the performance of a María de Maeztu Unit is the number and quality of the scientific publications produced. A requirement is that above 75% of the publications generated by the researchers of the unit correspond to journals in the first quartile (Q1) of their scientific field. As part of the María de Maeztu proposal, we set as a goal to generate 3 publications per year and per faculty member in the unit.


We have just carried out a first analysis of the scientific publications produced in 2016-17 by DTIC-UPF members. In this period, the researchers in the unit published 262 journal articles, 86% of them in Q1 (reaching 92% in 2016), and 62% in the first decile (D1, 65% in 2016). In addition, 328 articles were presented in conferences indexed in Scopus by members of the department.


The table below shows the distribution of journal articles per research area in the department. When a paper has been generated by the collaboration of faculty members in two different research areas, it is assigned to the area of the last author.

The next table shows the total publications of the department in the previous years (for 2015, the information available was retrieved only until June 2015). The most relevant increase in the period 2016-17 with respect to that 5 years ago (2011-12) is the increase in the percentage of publications in the first decile.


The table below shows the distribution of articles in conferences indexed in Scopus. In this case, articles are assigned to all the areas of the faculty members involved. Comparing with the previous data available (period 2011 - June 2015, 437 articles presented in conferences), the 328 articles presented represent a significant increase.

Recommendations to keep ORCID updated: In addition to manual update, the options are:

Journal ranks: The journal ranks in Scopuscan be found using Scimago journal rank



Open access is one of the key components in open science. The open access policy of the program makes recommendations to meet the obligation to make an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication widely, openly, and freely available, in order to enable the unrestricted access and reuse of all peer-reviewed published research funded, in whole or in part, by the program. Although not required, the recommendation is to do the same with the underlying datasets.

The two main repositories used are the UPF e-repository (the DTIC-UPF community includes almost 1.000 articles in journals and conferences - over t) and arXiv (no statistics available at this time). The table below shows the evolution of documents at the UPF e-repository. The documents have received 76.545 visits and 25.524 downloads.






Book chapters
















Total 2015-17





DTIC-UPF journal and conference articles and book chapters at UPF e-repository (2015-17)

Recommendation: Check the Open Access policy of the program




The program promotes reproducible research on a specific transversal action, with the objective that publications are available including software and data online.

The researchers at the Department are increasingly making the datasets available via different repositories such as Zenodo (including 63 datasets) and the UPF e-repository (30 datasets), but also external repositories as requested by specific conferences, such as Dataverse. The section on datasets in the web of the program compiles a selection of datasets directly linked to the execution of the program.

Recommendation: Provide complete records for publications, including DOI (the identifier used by search tools), datasets and software when possible, as well as links to related information such as slides, lay descriptions, etc (currently the main repositories used - UPF e-repository and Zenodo - provide the capacity to establish links among items). Open document with detailed aspects around reproducibility available here. Example from the María de Maeztu web below.




For the case of software, open source is also fostered as the default option.

GitHub is the main platform for software distribution. An increasing number of research groups and researchers have been creating and maintaining repositories (see a selection of software developments linked to the program here).

Zenodo is in addition used to assign a DOI for the releases associated to a publication (13 software releases).

Recommendation for software: Remember to provide licences with the code to allow its further use, and provide the indications about how to cite it, when applicable.

Additional information:


Other links of interest:


Communities in Zenodo (including some publications but mostly datasets and software):


Other communities curated by DTIC members in Zenodo:


(*) Method of calculation:

  • Source: Scopus
  • Date of publication: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2017
  • Query using the ORCID user for faculty members and independent postdoctoral researchers in the period. The list of journal articles includes only those where the articles have UPF affiliation (for conference articles this filtering is pending)

Updates: the tables shown have been updated on July 2nd with some corrections in the afiliations and bibliometrics details, and to add information on open access, datasets and software