Academic information
General course structure
Courses are generally divided into theoretical groups (larger groups) and seminar groups (smaller groups).
Theoretical lectures: they start from the first day of the trimester and typically occur twice a week, with each session lasting 1.5 hours, approximately. Attendance at these lectures is mandatory.
Seminar sessions: practical sessions that start in the 2nd or 3rd week of the term. They are held once a week, also lasting 1.5 hours each, and attendance is compulsory for all students too. There are different seminar groups, and students are randomly assigned to one at the beginning of each term.
The maximum recommended course load per trimester (as a guide) is of 20 ECTS credits. However, students may take more credits if they need to.
The number of credits of each module can be checked in the syllabus of the subjects.
Enrolment procedure
Bear in mind that the course enrolment will be completely online.
We will send you the enrolment instructions via email, so make sure to check the email you informed during the application period.
Enrolment dates:
- Students arriving the 1st trimester: July
Add & drop days: September
- Students arriving the 2nd or 3rd trimester: November
Add & drop days 2nd term: January
Add & drop days 3rd term: April
During the add&drop period you may change your preliminary course selection if you need to, depending on availability.
Course offer
Courses outside this offer cannot be enrolled.
Click on your study area to the check the course offer:
- Faculty of Communication
(Degrees: Advertising and Public Relations, Audiovisual Communication & Journalism)
- Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences
(Degrees: Business Management & Adm., Business Sciences, Economics, and Int. Business Economics)
- Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
(Degrees in Human Biology and Medicine)
- Faculty of Humanities
(Degrees in Humanities and Global Studies)
- Faculty of Law
(Degrees in Criminology and Public Prevention Policies, Labour Relations and Law)
- Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
(Degree in Political and Administration Sciences)
- Faculty of Translation and Interpretation
(Degrees in Applied Languages and Translation and Interpretation)
- School of Engineering
(Degrees in Audiovisual Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications Network Engineering and Mathematical Engineering in Data Science)
Course Schedules
You can check the courses schedules using this link.
Check all the information very carefully before creating your schedule/course choice.
Course syllabus
If you need to check the content of a subject, you can check the syllabus. Note that some of them are currently being updated, so you may find out that some of them are unavailable. In such cases, we recommend you to check the syllabus of the preceding year
Use the Syllabus query system and click on "search by subject".
Exams, retakes and grades
There is one ordinary examination call and one resit call per academic year. Examination dates are published on Aula Global around the fifth week of classes.
- Ordinary call: End of the term in which the subject has been taught
- Resit call: Can take place at the beginning of the following term or in the month of July. You'll find this information in the academic calendar.
Exchange students are allowed to take resit exams. However, to resit an exam you must have participated during the term and failed the course. Resit exams must be taken at UPF, so remote exams are not a possibility.
The UPF grading system is based on a scale from 0 to 10, where 5 is the minimum passing mark:
UPF grading system |
ECTS grading system (approx. equivalence) |
Excellent *(Excel·lent / Sobresaliente) |
9 -10 |
A |
Good (Notable / Notable) |
7 -8.99 |
B |
Pass (Aprovat / Aprobado) |
5 -6.99 |
C, D and E |
Fail (Suspens / Suspendido) |
0-4.99 |
FX and F |
*The top 5% of the class can get a Honours mark (Matrícula d'Honor / Matrícula de Honor) |
There are different ways for checking your grades:
- Via Secretaria Virtual > Click on "Expedients"
- Via Campus Global -> Aula Global and teaching > My transcript academic record
- Via Campus Global > Academic Secretariat > Your academic transcript
At the end of your stay we will send the official academic transcript to you and your home university.
If you took a language course:
Note that the marks and credits of the language courses cannot be included in the academic transcript of records. At the end of the term, Idiomes UPF will send you the official language certificate via email.
Language courses
Idiomes UPF offers partially subsidized language courses specifically designed for foreign students, focusing on both Catalan and Spanish languages.
If you're interested in learning more about these language courses or wish to enroll, contact [email protected].
Participants will receive a certificate detailing their grade and the number of credits earned.
Mobility coordinators
During your exchange at UPF you'll have an academic/mobility advisor that you can refer to for any academic questions that you may have. Your coordinator is also responsible for signing your Learning Agreement.
Christopher David Tulloch
Office: TBA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: TBA
Jeaninne Horowitz
Office: Jaume I (20.151 - Ciutadella Campus)
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: Tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:00
Francesc Calafell
Office: PRBB (62.409 - Mar Campus)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 933 160 842
Xavier Ferrer
Office: Jaume I (20.241- Ciutadella Campus)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 935 422 219
Christos Zografos
Office: Mercè Rodoreda (24.428 - Ciutadella Campus)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 935 421 966
Ernest Montbrió
Office: Tànger Building (55.200- Campus Poblenou)
Email: coord-mobilitat.
Phone: +34 935 421 450
General coordinator: Joan Costa
Office: TBA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: TBA
German language coordinator: Maria Wirf
Office: Roc Boronat (52.412 - Poblenou Campus)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 935 422 412
French language coordinator: Guilhem Naro
Office: Roc Boronat (52.412 - Poblenou Campus)
Phone: +34 935 422 245
English language coordinator: Paula Igareda
Office: TBA
Phone: +34 935 421 258