2024 (1)Xi X, Peng L, Prieto P. Improving Second Language Vowel Production With Hand Gestures Encoding Visible Articulation: Evidence From Picture-Naming and Paragraph-Reading Tasks. Language Learning 2024. |
2023 (13)Li P.; Baills F.; Alazard-Guiu C.; Baque L.; Prieto P.. A pedagogical note on teaching L2 prosody and speech sounds using hand gestures. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2023; 9(3): 340-349. |
Li P.; Baills F.; Baque L.; Prieto P.. The effectiveness of embodied prosodic training in L2 accentedness and vowel accuracy. Second Language Research 2023; 39(4): 1077-1105. |
Florit-Pons J.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Rohrer P.L.; Prieto P.. Multimodal development in children's narrative speech: Evidence for tight gesture-speech temporal alignment patterns as early as 5 years old. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2023; 66(3): 888-900. |
Gregori A.; Amici F.; Brilmayer I.; ¿wiek A.; Fritzsche L.; Fuchs S.; Henlein A.; Herbort O.; Kugler F.; Lemanski J.; Liebal K.; Lucking A.; Mehler A.; Nguyen K.T.; Pouw W.; Prieto P.; Rohrer P.L.; Sanchez-Ramon P.G.; Schulte-Ruther M.; Schumacher P.B.; Schweinberger S.R.; Struckmeier V.; Trettenbrein P.C.; von Eiff C.I.. A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14029(0): 402-438. |
Baills F, Prieto P. Embodying rhythmic properties of a foreign language through handclapping help children to better pronounce words. Language Teaching Research 2023; 27(6): 1576-1606. |
Valls-Rates I, Niebuhr O, Prieto P. Encouraging participant embodiment during VR-assisted public speaking training improves persuasiveness and charisma and reduces anxiety in secondary school students. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2023; 4: 1-18. |
Pronina M, Prieto P, Bischetti L, Bambini V. Expressive Pragmatics and Prosody in Young Preschoolers are More Closely Related to Structural Language than to Mentalizing. Language Learning and Development 2023; 19(3): 323-344. |
Li P, Zhang Y, Baills F, Prieto P. Musical perception skills predict speech imitation skills: Differences between speakers of tone and intonation languages. Language and Cognition 2023; 1-19. |
Pronina M, Grofulovic J, Castillo E, Prieto P, Igualada A. Narrative Abilities at Age 3 Are Associated Positively With Gesture Accuracy but Negatively With Gesture Rate. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2023; 66(3): 951-965. |
Castillo E, Pronina M, Hubscher I, Prieto P. Narrative Performance and Sociopragmatic Abilities in Preschool Children are Linked to Multimodal Imitation Skills. Journal of Child Language 2023; 50(1): 52-77. |
Zhang Y, Baills F, Prieto P. Singing Songs Facilitates L2 Pronunciation and Vocabulary Learning: A Study with Chinese Adolescent ESL Learners. Languages 2023; 8(3). |
Ozakin AS, Xi X, Li P, Prieto P. Thanks or tanks: Training with tactile cues improves learners' accuracy of English interdental consonants in an oral reading task. Language Learning and Development 2023; 19(4): 404-419. |
Rohrer PL, Delais-Roussarie E, Prieto P. Visualizing prosodic structure: Manual gestures as highlighters of prosodic heads and edges in English academic discourses. Lingua 2023; 293. |
2022 (12)Baills F.; Santiago F.; Mairano P.; Prieto P.. The effects of prosodic training with logatomes and prosodic gestures on L2 spontaneous speech. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(163): 802-806. |
Rohrer PL, Florit-Pons J, Vila-Gimenez I, Prieto P. Children Use Non-referential Gestures in Narrative Speech to Mark Discourse Elements Which Update Common Ground. Frontiers in Psychology 2022; 12. |
Baills F, Prieto P. Els beneficis de la música en l'aprenentatge fonològic d'una llengua estrangera. Llengua, societat i comunicació 2022; (20): 35-47. |
Baills F, Alazard-Guiu C, Prieto P. Embodied Prosodic Training Helps Improve Accentedness and Suprasegmental Accuracy. Applied Linguistics 2022; 43(4): 776-804. |
Baills F, Rohrer PL, Prieto P. Le geste et la voix pour enseigner la prononciation en langue etrangere. Mélanges CRAPEL 2022; 43(1). |
Li P.; Zhang Y.; Fu X.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Melodic perception skills predict Catalan speakers' speech imitation abilities of unfamiliar languages. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(178): 876-880. |
Hübscher I, Sánchez-Conde C, Borràs-Comes J, Vincze L, Prieto P. Multimodal mitigation: how facial and body cues index politeness in Catalan requests. Journal of Politeness Research 2022; 19(1): 1-29. |
Pronina M.; Hubscher I.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Prieto P.. Pragmatic prosody development from 3 to 8 years of age: A cross-sectional study in Catalan. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(19): 92-96. |
Muñoz-Coego S.; Florit-Pons J.; Rohrer P.L.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Prieto P.. The prosodic and gestural marking of the information status of referents in children's narrative speech: A longitudinal study. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(82): 401-405. |
Zhang Y.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Training with embodied musical activities has positive effects on unfamiliar language imitation skills. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(147): 723-727. |
Valls-Rates I, Niebuhr O, Prieto P. Unguided virtual-reality training can enhance the oral presentation skills of high-school students. Frontiers in Communication 2022; 7. |
Valls-Rates I.; Niebuhr O.; Prieto P.. Unguided VR public-speaking training enhances your confidence - but does not improve your intonation. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(33): 160-164. |
2021 (9)Baills F.; Zhang Y.; Cheng Y.; Bu Y.; Prieto P.. Listening to songs and singing benefit initial stages of L2 pronunciation. Language Learning Journal 2021; 71(2): 369-413. |
Pronina M, Hübscher I, Vilà-Giménez I, Prieto P. Bridging the Gap Between Prosody and Pragmatics: The Acquisition of Pragmatic Prosody in the Preschool Years and Its Relation With Theory of Mind. Frontiers in Psychology 2021; 12(662124). |
Cravotta A, Prieto P, Busà MG. Exploring the effects of restraining the use of gestures on narrative speech. Speech communication a publication of EURASIP 2021; 135: 25-36. |
Pronina M, Hübscher I, Holler J, Prieto P. Interactional training interventions boost children's expressive pragmatic abilities: evidence from a novel multidimensional testing approach. Cognitive Development 2021; 57. |
Winter B, Oh GE, Hübscher I, Idemaru K, Brown L, Prieto P, Grawunder S. Rethinking the frequency code: a meta-analytic review of the role of acoustic body size in communicative phenomena. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2021; 376(1840). |
Prieto P, Roseano P. The encoding of epistemic operations in two Romance languages: The interplay between intonation and discourse markers. Journal of Pragmatics 2021; 172: 146-163. |
Vilà-Giménez I, Dowling N, Demir-Lira OE, Prieto P, Goldin-Meadow S. The Predictive Value of Non-Referential Beat Gestures: Early Use in Parent-Child Interactions Predicts Narrative Abilities at 5 Years of Age. Child Development 2021; 92(6): 2335-2355. |
Vilà-Giménez I, Prieto P. The Value of Non-Referential Gestures: A Systematic Review of Their Cognitive and Linguistic Effects in Children's Language Development. Children 2021; 8(2). |
Li P.; Xi X.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Training non-native aspirated plosives with hand gestures: learners' gesture performance matters. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2021; 36(10): 1313-1328. |
2020 (6)Li P.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Observing and producing durational hand gestures facilitates the pronunciation of novel vowel length contrasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2020; 42(5): 1015-1039. |
Xi X.; Li P.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Hand gestures facilitate the acquisition of novel phonemic contrasts when they appropriately mimic target phonetic features. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2020; 63(11): 3571-3585. |
Zhang Y.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Hand-clapping to the rhythm of newly learned words improves L2 pronunciation: Evidence from training Chinese adolescents with French words. Language Teaching Research 2020; 24(5): 666-689. |
Rohrer PL, Delais-Roussarie E, Prieto P. Beat gestures for comprehension and recall: differential effects of language learners and native listeners. Frontiers in Psychology 2020; 11(575929): 1-16. |
Vilà-Giménez, I;Prieto, P. Encouraging kids to beat: Children's beat gesture production boosts their narrative performance. Developmental Science 2020. |
Hübscher I, Wagner L, Prieto P. Three-year-olds infer polite stance from intonation and facial cues. Journal of Politeness Research 2020; 16(1): 85-110. |
2019 (11)Baills F.; Suarez-Gonzalez N.; Gonzalez-Fuente S.; Prieto P.. Observing and producing pitch gestures facilitate the learning of Mandarin Chinese tones and words. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 33-58. |
Yuan C.; Gonzalez-Fuente S.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Observing pitch gestures favors the learning of Spanish intonation by Mandarin speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 5-32. |
Hübscher, Iris; Vincze, Laura; Prieto, Pilar. Children's signaling of their uncertain knowledge state: prosody, face and body cues come first. Language Learning and Development 2019; 15(4): 366-389. |
Cravotta, Alice; Busà, M Grazia; Prieto, Pilar. Effects of encouraging the use of gestures on speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2019; 62(9): 3204-3219. |
Esteve, Núria; Igualada Alfonso; Prieto, Pilar. El gest com a facilitador i precursor del desenvolupament del llenguatge. Llengua, societat i comunicació 2019; (17): 26-41. |
Borràs, Joan; Kiagia, Evangelia; Prieto, Pilar. Epistemic intonation and epistemic gesture are mutually co-expressive: Empirical results from two intonation-gesture matching tasks. Journal of Pragmatics 2019; (150): 39-52. |
Hübscher, Iris; Prieto, Pilar. Gestural and Prosodic Development Act as Sister Systems and Jointly Pave the Way for Children's Sociopragmatic Development. Frontiers in Psychology 2019; 10. |
Van Maastricht, Lieke; Krahmer, Emiel; Swerts, Marc; Prieto, Pilar. Learning direction matters: A study on L2 rhythm acquisition by Dutch learners of Spanish and Spanish learners of Dutch. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 87-121. |
Prieto Vives, Pilar; Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Igualada, Alfonso. Observing storytellers who use rhythmic beat gestures improves children's narrative discourse performance. Developmental psychology 2019; 55(2): 252-262. |
Hübscher, Iris; Garufi, Martina; Prieto, Pilar. The development of polite stance in preschoolers: how prosody, gesture and body cues pave the way. Journal of Child Language 2019; 46(5): 825-862. |
Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Igualada, Alfonso; Prieto, Pilar. Training with rhythmic beat gestures improves children's narrative discourse skills. Developmental psychology 2019; 55(2): 250-262. |
2018 (9)Llanes-Coromina, Judith; Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Kushch, Olga; Borràs-Comes, Joan; Prieto, Pilar. Beat gestures help preschoolers recall and comprehend discourse information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2018; 172(8): 168-188. |
Llanes-Coromina J, Prieto P, Rohrer P. Brief training with rhythmic beat gestures helps L2 pronunciation in a reading aloud task. Speech Prosody 2018; 498-502. |
Prieto P, Cravotta A, Kushch O, Rohrer P, Vilà-Giménez I. Deconstructing beat gestures: a labelling proposal. Speech Prosody 2018; 201-205. |
Armstrong, M., Esteve Gibert, N., Hübscher, I., Igualada, A., Prieto, P. Developmental and cognitive aspects of children's disbelief comprehension through intonation and facial gesture. First Language 2018; 38(6): 596-616. |
Vilà-Giménez I, Prieto P. Encouraging children to produce rhythmic beat gestures leads to better narrative discourse performances. Speech Prosody 2018; 704-708. |
Baills F, Zhang Y, Prieto P. Hand-clapping to the rhythm of newly learned words improves L2 pronunciation: Evidence from Catalan and Chinese learners of French. Speech Prosody 2018; 853-857. |
Hübscher I, Garufi M, Prieto P. Preschoolers use prosodic mitigation strategies to encode polite stance. Speech Prosody 2018; 255-259. |
Kushch, O.; Igualada, A.; Prieto, P. Prominence in speech and gesture favour second language novel word learning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2018; 33(8): 992-1004. |
Cravotta A, Grazia Busà M, Prieto P. Restraining and encouraging the use of hand gestures: Effects on speech. Speech Prosody 2018; 206-210. |
2017 (9)Rodero E.; Potter R.F.; Prieto P.. Pitch range variations improve cognitive processing of audio messages. Human Communication Research 2017; 43(3): 397-413. |
Prieto Vives, Pilar; Igualada Pérez, Alfonso; Esteve Gibert, Núria. Beat gestures improve word recall in 3- to 5-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2017; 156: 99-112. |
Vanrell MM, Armstrong, M,Prieto P. Experimental evidence for the role of intonation in evidential marking. Language and Speech 2017; 60(2): 242-259. |
Prieto Vives, Pilar; Hübscher, Iris; Esteve-Gibert, Núria; Igualada, Alfonso. Intonation and gesture as bootstrapping devices in speaker uncertainty. First Language 2017; 37(1): 24-41. |
Prieto P, Escandell-Vidal V. Introduction to the Special Section: Intonational constraints on pragmatic inferences. Language and Speech 2017; 60(2): 171-173. |
Hübscher I, Borràs-Comes J, Prieto P. Prosodic mitigation characterizes Catalan formal speech: The Frequency Code reassessed. Journal of Phonetics 2017; (65): 145-159. |
Esteve-Gibert, Núria; Borràs Comes, Joan Manel; Asor, Eli; Swerts, Marc; Prieto Vives, Pilar. The Timing of head movements: the role of prosodic heads and edges. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017; 141(6): 4727-4739. |
Gluhareva, Daria; Prieto Vives, Pilar. Training with rhythmic beat gestures benefits L2 pronunciation in discourse-demanding situations. Language Teaching Research 2017; 21(5): 609-631. |
Prieto Vives, Pilar; Esteve Gibert, Núria; Liszkowski, Ulf. Twelve-month-olds understand social intentions based on prosody and gesture shape. Infancy 2017; 22(1): 108-129. |
2016 (10)González-Fuente S, Prieto P, Noveck I. A fine-grained analysis of the acoustic cues involved in verbal irony recognition in French. Speech Prosody 2016; 902-906. |
Armstrong ME, Andreu L, Esteve Gibert N, Prieto Vives P. Children's processing of morphosyntactic and prosodic cues in overriding context-based hypotheses: an eye tracking study. Probus: An International Journal of Latin Linguistics and Romance 2016; 28(1): 57-90. |
Roseano, Paolo; González Condom, Montserrat; Borràs Comes, Joan Manel; Prieto Vives, Pilar. Communicating epistemic stance: How speech and gesture patterns reflect epistemicity and evidentiality. Discourse Processes 2016; 53(3): 135-174. |
Li F, González-Fuente S, Prieto P, Espinal MT. Is Mandarin Chinese a truth-based language? Rejecting responses to negative propositions. Frontiers in Psychology 2016; 7. |
Rodero Antón E, Larrea O, Mas Ll, Prieto P. Media Psychology y su aproximación a la psicofisiología: una disciplina para analizar los procesos mediáticos. Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones 2016; 9(2): 163-180. |
Kushch O, Prieto P. The Effects of pitch accentuation and beat gestures on information recall in contrastive discourse. Speech Prosody 2016; 922-925. |
Prieto P, Roseano P. The Encoding of epistemic operations in two Romance languages: intonation and pragmatic markers. Speech Prosody 2016; 888-892. |
Hualde JI, Prieto P. Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet. Laboratory Phonology 2016; 7(1): 1-25. |
Hualde JI, Prieto P. Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet (IPrA). Laboratory Phonology 2016; 7(1): 1-25. |
Hübscher I, Wagner L, Prieto P. Young children's sensitivity to polite stance expressed through audiovisual prosody in requests. Speech Prosody 2016; 897-902. |
2015 (10)Espinal, M. T., Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J., Prieto, P. Double Negation in Catalan and Spanish. Interaction between Syntax and Prosody. Language 2015; 1: 145-176. |
Prieto P.; Puglesi C.; Borras-Comes J.; Arroyo E.; Blat J. Exploring the contribution of prosody and gesture to the perception of focus using an animated agent. Journal of Phonetics 2015; 49(1): 41-54. |
González-Fuente, S.; Escandell-Vidal, V.; Prieto, P. Gestural codas pave the way to the understanding of verbal irony. Journal of Pragmatics 2015; (90): 26-47. |
Prieto, P. Intonational meaning. Cognitive Science 2015; (6): 371-381. |
González-Fuentes, S.; Tubau, S.; Espinal, M.T.; Prieto, P. Is there a universal answering strategy for rejecting negative propositions? Typological evidence on the use of prosody and gesture. Frontiers in Psychology 2015; 6(899): 1-17. |
Igualada, A.; Bosch, L.; Prieto, P. Language development at 18 months is related to multimodal communicative strategies at 12 months. Infant Behavior and Development 2015; (39): 42-52. |
Esteve-Gibert, N.; Prieto, P.; Pons, F. Nine-month-old infants are sensitive to the temporal alignment of prosodic and gesture prominences Infant Behavior and Development 2015; 38: 126-129. |
Tubau, S.; González, S.; Prieto, P.; Espinal, M.T. Prosody and gesture in the interpretation of yes-answers to negative yes-no questions. The Linguistic Review 2015; 32(1): 115-142. |
Armstrong, M.; Prieto, P. The contribution of context and contour to perceived belief in polar questions. Journal of Pragmatics 2015; (81): 77-92. |
Borràs-Comes, J.; Sichel-Bazin, R.; Prieto, P. Vocative intonation preferences are sensitive to politeness factors. Language and Speech 2015; 58(1): 68-83. |
2014 (13)Esteve-Gibert N., Pons F, Bosch L, Prieto P. Are gesture and prosodic prominences always coordinated? Evidence from perception and production. Speech Prosody 2014; 222-226. |
Borràs-Comes J, Kaland C, Prieto P, Swerts M. Audiovisual Correlates of Interrogativity: A Comparative Analysis of Catalan and Dutch. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 2014; 38(4): 53-66. |
Prieto P, Payà M, Vanrell MM. Estils prosòdics en el llenguatge publicitari. Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik 2014; 6-22. |
Esteve-Gibert N, Borràs-Comes J, Swerts M, Prieto P. Head gesture timing is constrained by prosodic structure. Speech Prosody 2014; 356-360. |
Esteve-Gibert, N.; Prieto, P. Infants temporally coordinate gesture-speech combinations before they produce their first words. Speech communication a publication of EURASIP 2014; 57: 301-316. |
Vanrell, Maria del Mar Ballone, Francesc Schirru, Carlo Prieto Vives, Pilar. Intonation and its interfaces in Sardinian polar questions. Loquens 2014; 1(2). |
Hualde JI, Prieto P. Lenition of intervocalic alveolar fricatives in Catalan and Spanish. Phonetica 2014; 71: 109-127. |
Thorson, J.; Borràs-Comes, J.; Crespo-Sendra, V.; Vanrell, M.; Prieto P. The acquisition of coda consonants by Catalan and Spanish children: effects of prominence and frequency of exposure. Probus: An International Journal of Latin Linguistics and Romance 2014; 26(1): 59-82. |
Thorson, Jill C; Borràs Comes, Joan Manel; Crespo Sendra, Verònica; Vanrell, Maria del Mar; Prieto Vives, Pilar. The acquisition of melodic form and meaning in yes-no interrogatives by Catalan and Spanish speaking children. Probus: An International Journal of Latin Linguistics and Romance 2014; 27(1): 73-99. |
Armstrong ME, Esteve-Gibert N, Prieto P. The acquisition of multimodal cues to disbelief. Speech Prosody 2014; 1139-1143. |