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2025 (1)

Florit-Pons J, Igualada A, Prieto P. Evaluating the Feasibility and Preliminary Effectiveness of a Multi-Tiered Multimodal Narrative Intervention Program for Preschool Children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2025; 56(1): 1-25.

2024 (2)

Henlein A, Bauer A, Bhattacharjee R, Cwiek A, Gregori A, Kugler F, Lemanski J, Lucking A, Mehler A, Prieto P, Sanchez-Ramon PG, Schepens J, Schulte-Ruther M, Schweinberger SR, von Eiff CI. An Outlook for AI Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2024; 14711 LNCS: 182-234.

2023 (13)

Li P.; Baills F.; Alazard-Guiu C.; Baque L.; Prieto P.. A pedagogical note on teaching L2 prosody and speech sounds using hand gestures. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2023; 9(3): 340-349.

Li P.; Baills F.; Baque L.; Prieto P.. The effectiveness of embodied prosodic training in L2 accentedness and vowel accuracy. Second Language Research 2023; 39(4): 1077-1105.

Florit-Pons J.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Rohrer P.L.; Prieto P.. Multimodal development in children's narrative speech: Evidence for tight gesture-speech temporal alignment patterns as early as 5 years old. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2023; 66(3): 888-900.

Gregori A.; Amici F.; Brilmayer I.; ¿wiek A.; Fritzsche L.; Fuchs S.; Henlein A.; Herbort O.; Kugler F.; Lemanski J.; Liebal K.; Lucking A.; Mehler A.; Nguyen K.T.; Pouw W.; Prieto P.; Rohrer P.L.; Sanchez-Ramon P.G.; Schulte-Ruther M.; Schumacher P.B.; Schweinberger S.R.; Struckmeier V.; Trettenbrein P.C.; von Eiff C.I.. A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14029(0): 402-438.

Pronina M, Grofulovic J, Castillo E, Prieto P, Igualada A. Narrative Abilities at Age 3 Are Associated Positively With Gesture Accuracy but Negatively With Gesture Rate. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2023; 66(3): 951-965.

2022 (12)

Baills F.; Santiago F.; Mairano P.; Prieto P.. The effects of prosodic training with logatomes and prosodic gestures on L2 spontaneous speech. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(163): 802-806.

Baills F, Alazard-Guiu C, Prieto P. Embodied Prosodic Training Helps Improve Accentedness and Suprasegmental Accuracy. Applied Linguistics 2022; 43(4): 776-804.

Baills F, Rohrer PL, Prieto P. Le geste et la voix pour enseigner la prononciation en langue etrangere. Mélanges CRAPEL 2022; 43(1).

Li P.; Zhang Y.; Fu X.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Melodic perception skills predict Catalan speakers' speech imitation abilities of unfamiliar languages. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(178): 876-880.

Hübscher I, Sánchez-Conde C, Borràs-Comes J, Vincze L, Prieto P. Multimodal mitigation: how facial and body cues index politeness in Catalan requests. Journal of Politeness Research 2022; 19(1): 1-29.

Pronina M.; Hubscher I.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Prieto P.. Pragmatic prosody development from 3 to 8 years of age: A cross-sectional study in Catalan. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(19): 92-96.

Muñoz-Coego S.; Florit-Pons J.; Rohrer P.L.; Vila-Gimenez I.; Prieto P.. The prosodic and gestural marking of the information status of referents in children's narrative speech: A longitudinal study. Speech Prosody 2022; 2022(82): 401-405.

2021 (9)

Baills F.; Zhang Y.; Cheng Y.; Bu Y.; Prieto P.. Listening to songs and singing benefit initial stages of L2 pronunciation. Language Learning Journal 2021; 71(2): 369-413.

Cravotta A, Prieto P, Busà MG. Exploring the effects of restraining the use of gestures on narrative speech. Speech communication a publication of EURASIP 2021; 135: 25-36.

Winter B, Oh GE, Hübscher I, Idemaru K, Brown L, Prieto P, Grawunder S. Rethinking the frequency code: a meta-analytic review of the role of acoustic body size in communicative phenomena. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2021; 376(1840).

Li P.; Xi X.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Training non-native aspirated plosives with hand gestures: learners' gesture performance matters. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2021; 36(10): 1313-1328.

2020 (6)

Xi X.; Li P.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Hand gestures facilitate the acquisition of novel phonemic contrasts when they appropriately mimic target phonetic features. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2020; 63(11): 3571-3585.

Hübscher I, Wagner L, Prieto P. Three-year-olds infer polite stance from intonation and facial cues. Journal of Politeness Research 2020; 16(1): 85-110.

2019 (11)

Baills F.; Suarez-Gonzalez N.; Gonzalez-Fuente S.; Prieto P.. Observing and producing pitch gestures facilitate the learning of Mandarin Chinese tones and words. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 33-58.

Yuan C.; Gonzalez-Fuente S.; Baills F.; Prieto P.. Observing pitch gestures favors the learning of Spanish intonation by Mandarin speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 5-32.

Hübscher, Iris; Vincze, Laura; Prieto, Pilar. Children's signaling of their uncertain knowledge state: prosody, face and body cues come first. Language Learning and Development 2019; 15(4): 366-389.

Cravotta, Alice; Busà, M Grazia; Prieto, Pilar. Effects of encouraging the use of gestures on speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2019; 62(9): 3204-3219.

Esteve, Núria; Igualada Alfonso; Prieto, Pilar. El gest com a facilitador i precursor del desenvolupament del llenguatge. Llengua, societat i comunicació 2019; (17): 26-41.

Van Maastricht, Lieke; Krahmer, Emiel; Swerts, Marc; Prieto, Pilar. Learning direction matters: A study on L2 rhythm acquisition by Dutch learners of Spanish and Spanish learners of Dutch. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2019; 41(1): 87-121.

Prieto Vives, Pilar; Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Igualada, Alfonso. Observing storytellers who use rhythmic beat gestures improves children's narrative discourse performance. Developmental psychology 2019; 55(2): 252-262.

Hübscher, Iris; Garufi, Martina; Prieto, Pilar. The development of polite stance in preschoolers: how prosody, gesture and body cues pave the way. Journal of Child Language 2019; 46(5): 825-862.

Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Igualada, Alfonso; Prieto, Pilar. Training with rhythmic beat gestures improves children's narrative discourse skills. Developmental psychology 2019; 55(2): 250-262.

2018 (9)

Llanes-Coromina, Judith; Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Kushch, Olga; Borràs-Comes, Joan; Prieto, Pilar. Beat gestures help preschoolers recall and comprehend discourse information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2018; 172(8): 168-188.

Prieto P, Cravotta A, Kushch O, Rohrer P, Vilà-Giménez I. Deconstructing beat gestures: a labelling proposal. Speech Prosody 2018; 201-205.

Armstrong, M., Esteve Gibert, N., Hübscher, I., Igualada, A., Prieto, P. Developmental and cognitive aspects of children's disbelief comprehension through intonation and facial gesture. First Language 2018; 38(6): 596-616.

Hübscher I, Garufi M, Prieto P. Preschoolers use prosodic mitigation strategies to encode polite stance. Speech Prosody 2018; 255-259.

Kushch, O.; Igualada, A.; Prieto, P. Prominence in speech and gesture favour second language novel word learning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2018; 33(8): 992-1004.

2017 (9)

Rodero E.; Potter R.F.; Prieto P.. Pitch range variations improve cognitive processing of audio messages. Human Communication Research 2017; 43(3): 397-413.

Prieto Vives, Pilar; Igualada Pérez, Alfonso; Esteve Gibert, Núria. Beat gestures improve word recall in 3- to 5-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2017; 156: 99-112.

Vanrell MM, Armstrong, M,Prieto P. Experimental evidence for the role of intonation in evidential marking. Language and Speech 2017; 60(2): 242-259.

Prieto Vives, Pilar; Hübscher, Iris; Esteve-Gibert, Núria; Igualada, Alfonso. Intonation and gesture as bootstrapping devices in speaker uncertainty. First Language 2017; 37(1): 24-41.

Prieto P, Escandell-Vidal V. Introduction to the Special Section: Intonational constraints on pragmatic inferences. Language and Speech 2017; 60(2): 171-173.

Hübscher I, Borràs-Comes J, Prieto P. Prosodic mitigation characterizes Catalan formal speech: The Frequency Code reassessed. Journal of Phonetics 2017; (65): 145-159.

Esteve-Gibert, Núria; Borràs Comes, Joan Manel; Asor, Eli; Swerts, Marc; Prieto Vives, Pilar. The Timing of head movements: the role of prosodic heads and edges. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017; 141(6): 4727-4739.

Gluhareva, Daria; Prieto Vives, Pilar. Training with rhythmic beat gestures benefits L2 pronunciation in discourse-demanding situations. Language Teaching Research 2017; 21(5): 609-631.

Prieto Vives, Pilar; Esteve Gibert, Núria; Liszkowski, Ulf. Twelve-month-olds understand social intentions based on prosody and gesture shape. Infancy 2017; 22(1): 108-129.

2016 (10)

Armstrong ME, Andreu L, Esteve Gibert N, Prieto Vives P. Children's processing of morphosyntactic and prosodic cues in overriding context-based hypotheses: an eye tracking study. Probus: An International Journal of Latin Linguistics and Romance 2016; 28(1): 57-90.

Roseano, Paolo; González Condom, Montserrat; Borràs Comes, Joan Manel; Prieto Vives, Pilar. Communicating epistemic stance: How speech and gesture patterns reflect epistemicity and evidentiality. Discourse Processes 2016; 53(3): 135-174.

Li F, González-Fuente S, Prieto P, Espinal MT. Is Mandarin Chinese a truth-based language? Rejecting responses to negative propositions. Frontiers in Psychology 2016; 7.

Rodero Antón E, Larrea O, Mas Ll, Prieto P. Media Psychology y su aproximación a la psicofisiología: una disciplina para analizar los procesos mediáticos. Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones 2016; 9(2): 163-180.

Hualde JI, Prieto P. Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet. Laboratory Phonology 2016; 7(1): 1-25.

Hualde JI, Prieto P. Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet (IPrA). Laboratory Phonology 2016; 7(1): 1-25.

2015 (10)

Espinal, M. T., Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J., Prieto, P. Double Negation in Catalan and Spanish. Interaction between Syntax and Prosody. Language 2015; 1: 145-176.

Prieto P.; Puglesi C.; Borras-Comes J.; Arroyo E.; Blat J. Exploring the contribution of prosody and gesture to the perception of focus using an animated agent. Journal of Phonetics 2015; 49(1): 41-54.

González-Fuente, S.; Escandell-Vidal, V.; Prieto, P. Gestural codas pave the way to the understanding of verbal irony. Journal of Pragmatics 2015; (90): 26-47.

Prieto, P. Intonational meaning. Cognitive Science 2015; (6): 371-381.

Igualada, A.; Bosch, L.; Prieto, P. Language development at 18 months is related to multimodal communicative strategies at 12 months. Infant Behavior and Development 2015; (39): 42-52.

Esteve-Gibert, N.; Prieto, P.; Pons, F. Nine-month-old infants are sensitive to the temporal alignment of prosodic and gesture prominences Infant Behavior and Development 2015; 38: 126-129.

Tubau, S.; González, S.; Prieto, P.; Espinal, M.T. Prosody and gesture in the interpretation of yes-answers to negative yes-no questions. The Linguistic Review 2015; 32(1): 115-142.

Armstrong, M.; Prieto, P. The contribution of context and contour to perceived belief in polar questions. Journal of Pragmatics 2015; (81): 77-92.

Borràs-Comes, J.; Sichel-Bazin, R.; Prieto, P. Vocative intonation preferences are sensitive to politeness factors. Language and Speech 2015; 58(1): 68-83.

2014 (13)

Esteve-Gibert N., Pons F, Bosch L, Prieto P. Are gesture and prosodic prominences always coordinated? Evidence from perception and production. Speech Prosody 2014; 222-226.

Borràs-Comes J, Kaland C, Prieto P, Swerts M. Audiovisual Correlates of Interrogativity: A Comparative Analysis of Catalan and Dutch. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 2014; 38(4): 53-66.

Prieto P, Payà M, Vanrell MM. Estils prosòdics en el llenguatge publicitari. Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik 2014; 6-22.

Esteve-Gibert N, Borràs-Comes J, Swerts M, Prieto P. Head gesture timing is constrained by prosodic structure. Speech Prosody 2014; 356-360.

Esteve-Gibert, N.; Prieto, P. Infants temporally coordinate gesture-speech combinations before they produce their first words. Speech communication a publication of EURASIP 2014; 57: 301-316.

Vanrell, Maria del Mar Ballone, Francesc Schirru, Carlo Prieto Vives, Pilar. Intonation and its interfaces in Sardinian polar questions. Loquens 2014; 1(2).

Thorson, J.; Borràs-Comes, J.; Crespo-Sendra, V.; Vanrell, M.; Prieto P. The acquisition of coda consonants by Catalan and Spanish children: effects of prominence and frequency of exposure. Probus: An International Journal of Latin Linguistics and Romance 2014; 26(1): 59-82.