Group Environment Technique is a variation of bodystorming based on physical theatre practice aimed to think about the configuration of a Full-Body Interaction Learning Environment, possible physical objects in it and their interaction with them. 


Group Environment Technique is a variation of bodystorming based on physical theatre practice aimed to think about the configuration of a Full-Body Interaction Learning Environment, possible physical objects in it and their interaction with them. This activity is performed individually and the actions of each player are built upon the previous participants. That is, one player “enters” an imagined place, creates one object (e.g. a flower), and leaves the place again. Each subsequent player that enters, has to use the object that the previous players created, and then introduce one new element. Hence, the last player to enter has to remember everything that was used before him/her. Once the final player performed, the group reflects upon the scenario and each player explains what object they created and why.


  • Involvement of the entire group, the audience pays attention to the performance of their peers and builds their new actions upon the previous ideas
  • Exploring differentiated movements in the imagination can give the actor time to think it through and become familiar with it
  • Opportunities for exaggeration and self-expression in original ways
  • Exploration not only of the available space on stage but also of the ‘imaginary space’ during the performed action

Related Publications:

Schaper, M. M. (2019). Co-design strategies with children in Full-Body Interaction for situated non-formal learning experiences. (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra).