
This Work Package aims to integrate and open the research activities of the EUTOPIA partners through forming cross-disciplinary, challenge-based teams, and will be driven by the Open Science agenda in order to enhance the quality and performance of our research and innovation as well as to increase attractiveness for talented students and researchers. To this end the Work Package foresees in the development of 

  1. Actions aimed at stimulating and facilitating a challenge-based approach to research

  2. Actions towards the integration of our research communities through mobility

  3. The promotion of innovation and

  4. The advancement of Open Science


  1. The development of a challenge-based approach to research (TI/SD)

  2. The integration of our research communities (TI/PC/SD)

  3. The promotion of innovation

  4. The advancement of Open Science


  1. Establishing the EUTOPIAn Research Space

  2. Building the EUTOPIAn Research networks

  3. Defining new EUTOPIAn research Actions


Lead of the Work Package 3: Göteborgs Universitet

Work Package 3 EUTOPIA official website.