This sub-Work Package consists of delivering effective management of the EUTOPIA MORE project, ensuring that all WPs are delivered on time and to budget. It will be led by Pompeu Fabra University as the project coordinator and supported by the Project Management Team.
It is responsible for managing and coordinating the EUTOPIA MORE project, ensuring its progress and overseeing all work packages. Its activities include monitoring progress, risk assessment, financial management, and communication with stakeholders. The sub-WP will organize regular meetings and internal reporting processes to reflect on progress and feed into strategic reviews.
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Governance of the EUTOPIA Alliance
This sub-Work Package aims to establish a governance structure for the EUTOPIA alliance by providing mechanisms for decision-making bodies. The sub-WP will work on implementing new governance procedures and legal requirements for the EUTOPIA legal entity, and oversee the development of quality assurance for the alliance.
Additionally, the sub-WP will coordinate two strategic reviews to evaluate progress towards objectives and update the sustainability plan. The EUTOPIA central office will support this WP, led by the Secretary General.
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Management of the EUTOPIA Alliance
This third sub-working group will manage the EUTOPIA alliance, and will be led by the Secretary General and supported by the Central Management Office.
The sub-group will be responsible for coordinating all of EUTOPIA's activities, managing the alliance's finances and fundraising efforts, and setting up a new EUTOPIA Business Intelligence function to collect and analyze data from the partner universities. The Business Intelligence function will create a strategic framework for data collection and analysis, and pilot a system for managing research information.
This sub-Work Package consists of delivering effective management of the EUTOPIA MORE project, ensuring that all WPs are delivered on time and to budget. It will be led by Pompeu Fabra University as the project coordinator and supported by the Project Management Team.
It is responsible for managing and coordinating the EUTOPIA MORE project, ensuring its progress and overseeing all work packages. Its activities include monitoring progress, risk assessment, financial management, and communication with stakeholders. The sub-WP will organize regular meetings and internal reporting processes to reflect on progress and feed into strategic reviews.
This sub-Work Package aims to establish a governance structure for the EUTOPIA alliance by providing mechanisms for decision-making bodies. The sub-WP will work on implementing new governance procedures and legal requirements for the EUTOPIA legal entity, and oversee the development of quality assurance for the alliance.
Additionally, the sub-WP will coordinate two strategic reviews to evaluate progress towards objectives and update the sustainability plan. The EUTOPIA central office will support this WP, led by the Secretary General.
This third sub-working group will manage the EUTOPIA alliance, and will be led by the Secretary General and supported by the Central Management Office.
The sub-group will be responsible for coordinating all of EUTOPIA's activities, managing the alliance's finances and fundraising efforts, and setting up a new EUTOPIA Business Intelligence function to collect and analyze data from the partner universities. The Business Intelligence function will create a strategic framework for data collection and analysis, and pilot a system for managing research information.