Courses are organized as follows:

32147 European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 1st term)

  Joan Solanes / Alejandro Saiz 

32150 International Foundations of Corporate Taxation (Elective, 4 ECTS, 1st term)

David Elvira

32157 Global Law, Justice and Democracy (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 1st term)
Josep Lluis Martí
32164 Constitutional Law and Globalization (Elective, 4 ECTS, 1st term)   Víctor Ferreres
32148 Contract Law for the Global Economy (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 2nd term) Fernando Gómez
32149 International Relations and Global Governance (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 2nd term) Josep Ibáñez
32151 Advanced Course on Tort Law (Elective, 4 ECTS, 2nd term)

Sonia Ramos / Rosa Milà

32152 European Integration (Elective, 4 ECTS, 2nd term) Ana Garcia / Bettina Steible 
32156 European and International Criminal Law (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 2nd term) Nuria Pastor
32160 Intellectual Property (Elective, 4 ECTS, 2nd term) Antoni Rubí
32298 Family Law Challenges in Contemporary Societies (Elective, 4 ECTS, 2nd term)

 Josep Ferrer

32348 Global Administrative Law (Elective, 4 ECTS, 3rd term)

Oriol Mir / Clara Velasco

32155 European Private International Law (Elective, 4 ECTS, 3rd term)

Albert Font / Mònica Vinaixa

32158 European and Global Labor Regulations (Mandatory, 4 ECTS, 3rd term) Tania Bazzani / Julia López
32159 International Law and Sustainable Development (Elective, 4 ECTS, 3rd term)  Angel J. Rodrigo
32420 New trends in Global and Comparative Law Theory and Practice of Legal Interpretation  (Mandatory, 6 ECTS, 3rd term) Damiano Canale
32421 Master's Thesis (Mandatory, 14 ECTS, 3rd term)