10h PhD Workshop Award: EiTIC Dissemination Grant
A travel grant of up to 1400€ to attend a scientific event related to the PhD research (i.e. Summer Schools, Conferences, Research dissemination events)
I participated in the 4th ETIC PhD Student Workshop and it was a really valuable experience. I created a poster with preliminary research questions that I had in mind during my first year as a PhD student and it helped me to exchange ideas with other students and professors and to improve hypotheses and methods. In fact, I recently submitted a paper with some colleagues from another research group of the department that I first met at that workshop. Last but not least, my poster won the popular vote and, therefore, I received a travel grant that I spent on a summer school that was also very helpful in my PhD project and subsequent research career. Don't miss this great opportunity!
At the 7th PhD Workshop, I had the pleasure to present the Poster “Are Hate Speech Classification Results Reproducible? An Approach Using Deep Learning”. It was a lovely morning and an opportunity to share research with my colleagues and eat some Catalan sweets ;) The workshop ended the best way for me, and I was awarded the María de Maeztu DTIC-UPF Open Science Award! Indeed, I think open source should be a common result of research and I always put the effort to make my research open and shared with others. This prize corresponded to 1000 euros to further advance my research, which was great and I can only thank the organizers for this opportunity. With this prize, I attended a deep learning summer school and spend one week in Poland.
I got the chance to participate in the 6th and 7th PhD Workshop ( 2018 and 2019), and I was lucky enough to get an award on both occasions.
In 2018 I received the award for "Technology Transfer Perspectives" with my poster entitled "Identifying Basketball Plays from Sensor Data", which allowed me to attend the biggest Sports Analytics Conference in the world: the MIT SSAC (Boston). Since my thesis attempts to merge Computer Vision with Sports Analytics, the fit was perfect, and despite not presenting any paper at SSAC, I had the chance of listening topnotch NBA-based panels, which made the experience totally worth it.
One year later, I got the EiTIC People's Choice Award after presenting my paper entitled "Multi-Person tracking by Multi-scale Detection in Basketball Scenarios". The prize I obtained was thought for partially funding a research stay that I had accepted in an abroad institution, but since it was scheduled around May 2020, I was not able to travel due to covid. Although I cannot give any more details due to an NDA, that opportunity perfectly matched my concept of dream-job, and I will keep pursuing it once I am done with my thesis.
Last but not least, I truly believe that the importance and the acquired experience of the PhD Workshop go far beyond the awards, since disseminating research, sharing ideas, and finding potential collaborations across groups are vital in order to build even more powerful research contributions.