7th EITIC Doctoral Student Workshop

The PhD program in ICTs of EITIC at UPF organizes an annual workshop where PhD students can present their research outcomes to all members of the Department and the rest of the research community.

The 7th EITIC Doctoral Student Workshop will take place on April 4th, 2019.

Important dates

Research seminar 

Deadline for abstract submission March 1st
Acceptance notification March 15th  
Deadline for final poster submission March 25th
Workshop April 4th



  Name Research Group (affiliation) Title
1 Gerard Martí Juan SIMBioSys Non-linear Interaction between ApoE4 Allele Load and Age in the Hippocampi of Cognitively Healthy Subjects
2 Iker Beñaran Muñoz BCAM Crowd Learning with Candidate Labeling: an EM-based Solution
3 Irem Cetin SIMBioSys Identifying Alterations in the Cardiac Ventricles in Atrial Fibrillation: a Radiomics Approach
4 Irene Vigué-Guix MRG - CBC Locking  Event Presentation to the Phase of Occipital Alpha Oscillations: A Real-time EEG Interface
5 Isabella Marinelli BCAM On the Integrated Oscillator Model for Pancreatic β-cells: Development, Results, and Applications
6 Itziar Zabaleta Razquin IP4EC Retinal Noise Emulation for Adding Texture to Digital Cinema
7 Jordi Mill Physense - BCN MedTech Optimal Boundary Conditions in Fluid Simulations for Predicting Occluder-related Thrombus Formation in the Left Atria
8 Kim Cheng Sheang TALN Lexical Simplification
9 Laura Pérez Mayos TALN Correlating Linguistically-Motivated Intrinsic Evaluation Metrics with Downstream Utility of Dependency Parsers
10 Lutfiye Seda Mut Altin TALN Identification and Categorization of Offensive Language in Social Media
11 Marc Colomer Canyelles SAP - CBC Understanding the Challenges of Communication: a Comparison between Bilingual and Monolingual Infants
12 Marc Tudela Pi BERG Use of Volume Conduction as a Wireless Power Transfer Method for Biomedical Implants
13 Mari Celi Morales CMTech, SIMBIOsys A 3D Baby Facial Model for early Detection of Developmental Disorders
14 Minz Won MTG Attention Is What We Need
15 Miquel Junyent Barbany AI & ML Deep Policies for Width-Based Planning in Pixel Domains
16 Mireia Masias Bruns SIMBioSys Can one Predict Brain Disease Based on Cardiac Imaging Data? A Proof-of-Concept Study.
17 Nina Klein BERG Contributions to the Understanding of Tumor Eradication by Electrolytical Electrolysis (E2)
18 Patricia Vitoria Carrera GPI Automatic Flare Spot Artifacts Detection and Removal in Photographs
19 Paula Fortuna WSSC Are Hate Speech Classification Results Reproducible? An Approach Using Deep Learning
20 Philip Tovstogan MTG Facilitating Interactive Music Exploration
21 Pritish Chandna MTG A Vocoder Based Method For Singing Voice Extraction
22 Rasoul Nikbakht WICOM Uplink Fractional Power Control for
Cell-Free Wireless Networks
23 Sandeep Kumar BCAM On the Evolution of Vortex Filament Equation for regular M-polygons with Nonzero Torsion
24 Tamara Dancheva BCAM Distributed Memory Algorithms for Finite Element Computing in FEniCS with Applications in Continuum Mechanics
25 Xavier Rafael SIMBIOsys. BCN MedTech Strategies to Improve the Automatic Classification of Lung Cancer through Predicting Malignancy in Nodules
26 Xavier Salleras WICOM LASER: Lightweight And Secure Remote Keyless Entry Protocol
27 Adrià Arbués Sangüesa GPI Multi-Person tracking by Multi-scale Detection in Basketball Scenarios
28 Ahmed Eladly BERG Wireless Miniature Intramuscular eAXONs will Allow Multisite Stimulation for Physiological Recruitment of Muscles 
29 Alexander Gomez-Villa IP4EC Are Convolutional Neural Networks Fooled by Visual Illusions?
30 Amaia Abanda Elustondo BCAM Discriminatory Features Extraction for Algorithm-Type Selection in Time Series Classification
31 Amelia Jiménez Sánchez SIMBIOsys, BCN MedTech Capsule Networks against Medical Imaging Data Challenges
32 Andrea Urru SIMBioSys Automatic Clonal Growth Analysis in Zebrafish Hindbrain 
33 Andres Ferraro MTG Skip Prediction using Boosting Trees based on Acoustic Features
of Tracks in Sessions
34 António Ramires MTG Methods for Supporting Electronic Music Production with Large-Scale Sound Databases
35 Aracelys García-Moreno BERG Optimization and Implementation of Processes and Techniques for the Construction of Implantable Wireless Microstimulators
36 Batuhan Sayis CMTECH & MTG Computational Modeling of Psycho-physiological Effect and User Activity in Full-Body Interaction Environments for Special Needs: Collaborative Virtual Environments for Intervention on Social Initiation in Children with Autism
37 Carlota Pagès Portabella CBC Musical Training Changes the Neural Responses to Harmonic Expectations
38 Decky Aspandi Latif CMTECH Heatmap-Guided Balanced Deep Convolution Networks for Kinship Family Classification in the Wild. 
39 Diana Ramírez WSSC Helping Users with Mental Disorders in Online Social Networks
40 Enric Perera Bel SIMBioSys, BERG A Platform for Treatment Planning in Electroporation-based Therapies
41 Francisco Nurudin Álvarez González AI & ML YNSAN-E: Scalable Graph Embeddings based on Structural Neighborhood Similarity
42 Furkan Yesiler MTG Identifying and Understanding Versions of Songs with Computational Approaches