Non-EU citizens who intend to study in Spain must obtain a student visa. You can apply for a two-year student visa as an Erasmus Mundus student.
To apply for the visa, you should contact the nearest Spanish Consulate or Embassy to your residence. They will provide you with information on the specific requirements for the student visa, which may vary depending on your country of residence.
You must apply for a student visa before leaving your country of residence, and you are obliged to go personally to the Spanish Consulate to submit the required documentation. Visas are not issued in Spain. Trying to enter Spain without a necessary student visa will likely lead to refusal, and no emergency procedure is available. Your country of origin embassy in Spain, cannot assist in this matter.
Applying for the visa at least two months before your intended departure date is advisable to avoid complications. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of application, as this is a prerequisite for the visa application.
Below is a list of the most common documents requested. You should confirm them before your appointment.
A visa letter addressed to the Spanish Embassy from the EMAI Consortium
Certificate of Admission provided by the EMAI consortium
Original passport, plus one photocopy
Health insurance certificate provided by the EMAI consortium
Proof of the availability of economic means. If you are an EMS holder, your admission letter and student agreement might help you justify your future source of income.
Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE)
Once in Spain, non-EU nationals must obtain the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero). This card is your residence permit and includes your foreigner identification number (called NIE-Número de Identidad de Extranjero).
You must apply personally for the TIE within a month of your arrival in Spain at the selected police station in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
Book an appointment through this website. The website is in Spanish. You need to swipe down and click on “Acceder al procedimiento”
Step 1: Now, you need to indicate the province where you will submit your application. In your case, it is Barcelona. Then - click on “aceptar”
Step 2: Select the office - Preferably choose Rambla Guipuzcoa, El Prat, Badalona, Hospitalet or Cornella. On the same page, select “Expedición de Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjeros (Toma de huella)” and then click on “aceptar” to continue
Step 3: On the next page, swipe down and click “entrar”
Step 4: Introduce your personal information (passport or ID number, name & surname, nationality, phone number, email address)
Step 5: Check if the information is correct and then click “Solicitar Cita”
Step 6: You will see a calendar displaying available appointments. Choose a day and time that works best for you, and enter the CAPTCHA code. After you have selected a day and time, a window will pop up asking you if you want to confirm the booked appointment. If so, click “aceptar”
Step 7: You will receive a text message on your mobile phone with the confirmation code. You must introduce this code to confirm the booked appointment. Please select the option “Estoy conforme con la información mostrada en pantalla” and “Deseo recibir un correo electrónico con los datos de mi cita en la dirección que he proporcionado” and then, select “confirmar”.
You need to go personally to the chosen police station with the following required documents:
Application Official form (Ex-17) (original + one photocopy)
Passport (original and copy of all pages)
Student visa (original and copy)
EU entrance stamp or your boarding pass (original and copy)
Enrolment form provided by UPF, which includes information about the duration of your studies (original and copy)
The EMAI Student Agreement (original and copy)
AON Health Insurance Certificate provided by the UPF (original and copy)
Statement of Financial Resources
Some police stations request the Certificate of Census Registration (empadronamiento/padró) (original and copy)
Three recent passport-sized photos
Application fee Tax 790 Code 012: . Under the “Autoliquidación” tab, mark the option “TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores fronterizos” and the payment of a fee of €15.92 should automatically appear at the bottom of the page. Under the “Ingreso” tab, for “forma de pago”, you should select “en efectivo” (in cash). You can then print out the document, pay the fee at any bank and keep the proof of payment to submit it with the rest of the application
Proof of appointment booking.
NON-EU students should keep the receipt of the payment of the fee and the provisional copy of their “Student Residence Authorisation Card” so that they can pick up their TIE card between one and two months later at the address that the Police Station will indicate to them.
With the TIE, you can reside in Spain throughout your study period. However, before your arrival at any of the EMAI partner institutions, you need to ask for a visa or a residence permit according to the legal obligations of each country. Administrative staff in each institution will guide you through this process.
More information is available here.