Pablo Jauralde Pou
Paul Jauralde Pou has taught Spanish literature at various universities since 1974. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Carleton (Ottawa); Cambridge (United Kingdom, BBV chair), John Hopkins (Baltimore, USA), Sorbonne (Paris), Westfield College (London), or Toulouse. He has also worked as a librarian (in Salamanca) and has been director of several research groups, besides having founded several magazines (Edad de Oro, Manuscrit.cao, NREC).
Throughout his career he has developed many activities related to the history and literature of Spain during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Pablo Jauralde Pou was the first honorary president of the AISO (Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas del Siglo de Oro). For thirty years, together with a research group of the Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, he catalogued and studied manuscripts of the National Library of Spain. This research project was behind the Catálogo de Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional con poesía en castellano de los siglos XVI y XVII (Madrid: Arco Libros, 1998 - 2008), a detailed five volumes catalogue of all sixteenth and seventeenth centuries manuscript poetic works of the National Library of Spain. He currently directs Voz y Letra and Clasicos Hispánicos, which will begin to publish historical texts. He has also published Diccionario Filologico de Literatura Española (Madrid: Castalia, 2009-2012, 3 vols.), and Biblioteca de Autógrafos Españoles (Madrid: Calambur, 2008-2015, 5 vols).
Since the last three years, Paul Jauralde Pou is studying the Spanish presence on the Pacific and East Asia during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The first results of this research project led to the publication of "Manuscritos sobre tema chino en la Biblioteca Nacional de España" (Voz y Letra, vol. 26, 2015). This work will be followed by other publications on sources related to the early modern contacts between Spain and China based on the manuscripts of the National Library of Spain.