Jonathan López-Vera
Jonathan Lopez-Vera
Jonathan Lopez-Vera is doctor of History (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). His PhD dissertation was called Toyotomi Hideyoshi y Europa. Contactos entre el gobierno japonés y los portugueses y castellanos en el Japón de finales del siglo XVI (Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Europe. Contacts between the Japanese government and the Portuguese and Castilians in Japan at the end of the 16th century), directed by Joan-Pau Rubiés (UPF) and Asami Masakazu (Keiō University, Tokyo), qualified with Excellent Cum Laude. Graduate in East Asian Studies (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), awarded with a prize to the most outstanding graduates in this class and year; Master in World History (UPF).
Author of the books Toyotomi Hideyoshi y los europeos. Portugueses y castellanos en el Japón samurái (Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2021), and Historia de los samuráis (Satori, 2016; Alianza, 2021), published in English as A History of the Samurai (Tuttle, 2020). Besides, he’s the author of the website, and co-editor of the online journal Asiadémica.
Currently, he is Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Researcher, funded by European Union-NextGenerationEU, Ministry of Universities and Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, through a call from UPF, with a two years (2022 and 2023) research stay at UAB, History Department.
Complete CV: http://www.