Joan-Pau Rubiés
‘Religion and Sacrifice in the early modern ethnography of Africa’ Bologna Conference(December).
‘Rethinking the Global Renaissance’, Villa I Tatti Seminar, Florence (November)
‘Text, Image, and Genre in the Boxer Codex’, TextDiveGlobal Seminar, University of Copenhagen (May).
‘The Marvellous, the Wonderful and the Credible: Text and Authority in Early Sixteenth-Century Travel Accounts’, Keynote lecture, Conference on Travel and Wonder 1450-1750, University of York (April).
‘Leo Africanus and his book’. IAS Book Launch: Cosmography and Geography of Africa, University College London, Centre for Early Modern Exchanges (April).
‘Reading Histories of the Indies in the Sixteenth Century and Today: The Problem of Perspective’. Iberian History Seminar, Exeter College, University of Oxford (March).2023 Bologna, Sacrifice (December)
‘Protestant merchants and Catholic missionaries: two different views of Asian cultures?’, international conference on Two Early Modern Global Networks in Asia: The Society of Jesus and the Dutch East India Company, University of Warsaw, Faculty of History (December).
‘La lectura de las crónicas de Indias en sus contextos historiográficos diferenciales: el problema de la perspectiva’. Keynote Lecture at international conference on Transcribir América: Seminario internacional sobre fuentes religiosas en el imperio hispánico. Strasbourg, Colegio Doctoral Europeo (November).
‘Early modern Saints and modern missionary heroes: the construction of the historical memory of Francis Xavier and Mateo Ricci compared’. Colloquium Mémoire(s) missionnaire(s), mémoire(s) de la mission (XVIe-XXe siècles). Campus Condorcet, Paris (November).
‘Les missions de l’època moderna i el saber etnogràfic”. El monacat més enllà: expansió i missió, s XII-XVI’, XI Jornades d'Història de l'Església i la religiositat de les Avellanes. Os de Balaguer (July).
‘Early Modern Comparatism and the idea of Historical Progress’, SFB 1288 Mid-term Conference, Comparing & Change: Orders, Models, Perceptions, Bielefeld University (June).
‘William Hodges in India: art, antiquarianism and the imperial Enlightenment’, Arts and Culture in 18th-Century Europe: Challenging Enlightenment Values, Collegium Helveticum, Universität Zürich (May).
‘Learning and Piety in Early Modern Christian Pilgrimage: Pietro della Valle in the Holy Land”, Early Modern Scholarship and Religion Seminar, Christ's College, Cambridge (May).
‘Cultural Diversity in Francesco Carletti’, Carletti’s World: An Early Modern Global Voyage. An International Conference. I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence (April).
‘The end of Empire? Alternative perspectives on the fall of Hormuz’. Keynote lecture at international Conference Hormuz 1622: Connected Histories and Transcultural Receptions, Exeter College, Oxford (March).
‘El Códice Boxer en una perspectiva comparada: saberes imperiales en las Indias de Castilla y Portugal’. Seminario Permanente. Los Mundos Ibéricos y La Globalización Temprana. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla (March).
‘Pensamiento cosmopolita y pensamiento político y social en Vitoria y Vives: trayectorias cruzadas’, Seminario Internacional, Aspectos filosóficos actuales del pensamiento de Francisco de Vitoria: Fundamentos para una sociedad solidaria, Facultad de Filosofía, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (February).
‘La literatura de viajes y el estudio de la alteridad cultural: los de dentro y los de fuera’, Seminario de Metedología e Investigación Semi, Universidad de Cantabria (December).
‘El saber etnográfico como saber imperial en las fronteras del Nuevo Mundo: reconsideración del Códice Boxer’, América en la Corte: los saberes sobre América en los siglos XVI-XVIII, Proyecto AmerMad, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (October).
‘Pietro della Valle: Christian pilgrimage, antiquarianism and cosmopolitanism in the age of the baroque’, International Workshop,
The Science of Pilgrimage, Berne (June).
‘Manuel de Faria y Sousa, Portugal y España: Unión de coronas y división de naciones en la historiografía de los imperios portugués y castellano en Asia’, journée d’études on La place de l’Asie dans l’historiographie de la monarchie catholique, Paris Sorbonne (June).
‘Cultural Diversity in Francesco Carletti’, in Carletti’s World: An Early Modern Global Voyage, Online Workshop Series, European University Institute, Florence (April).
‘Ethnography and Cultural Hybridity in Colonial Manila: The Boxer Codex’, in The Iberian East Indies. Frontiers, Actors, Dynamics. Online Workshop, Paris 3 Sorbonne (February).
‘Sovereignty and democratic legitimacy in Spain: the case of Catalonia’, in Conflicts of sovereignty in the European Union (SOVEU), University of Cambridge and the Université libre de Bruxelles (November).
‘Distance and credibility in sixteenth-century travel writing: discovery, text and truth in Varthema, Vespucci and Pigafetta’, International Conference on Far From the Truth: Distance and the Problem of Credibility in the Early Modern World, University of Leiden (January).
Commentary on: ‘Global Knowledge, Religious Devotion, and the Making of Enlightenment Europe: Joseph Stöcklein’s Neuer Welt-Bott revisited’, in German History Society Annual Conference, King’s College London (September).
‘Roundtable: Race, Empire, and Nation in the Early Modern Hispanic World’, Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) 50th Anniversary Conference, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (July).
‘Ideas of race and social discrimination in the Spanish and Portuguese colonial Empires: a comparison.’ Seminar at Fondazione Luigi Enaudi Onlus, Dipartimento di Studi Storici, University of Turin (May).
‘From idolatry to religions: The missionary discourse on Buddhism and the invention of theistic Confucianism, 1550-1700 ‘. Seminar for Global Intellectual History, University of Amsterdam (April).
‘Observar la diferència: el problema de la traducció cultural i la construcció de l’exotisme a l’època moderna’, Seminari del Curs d'Introducció a la Recerca, Objectes Exòtics: Circulacions Culturals a l'Època Moderna, Universitat de Barcelona
‘The Jesuit image of the civilization and religion of Japan: contradictions and impacts’, Keynote Lecture, International Conference, Japan and Spain's Golden Age in a Global Context. Madrid, Universidad Autónoma (March).
‘Race and Racism in the Colonial Empires of Castile and Portugal: A Comparison, 1450-1650’. International CORPI Conference Of Blood and Milk. Race and Religion in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Worlds. CORPI Conference, Madrid (February).
‘Translating languages and (mis) translating cultures in the Jesuit missions’
Conference "A Host of Tongues". Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Translation in the Early Modern Period
Universidade Nova, Lisbon (December).
'Scots and Catalans', with Sir John Elliot.
Seminar, Forum on Geopolitics
University of Cambridge (November).
'The Boxer Codex as an Enigma: In Search of an Authorial Voice'.
Conference on Early Modern "Cultural Encyclopaedias": Defining a Genre and its Agency from a Transcultural Perspective
The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC), University of Hamburg (October).
‘Imperial Agency and Cultural Mediations: Re-assessing the Portuguese Loss of Ormuz in 1622’
Workshop on The Iberian World and the East: Go-betweens and Mediations 16th-18th centuries
Maison Française d’Oxford (July).
‘What is left of the Renaissance? The discovery of the world and man from a cosmopolitan perspective'
Conference on Burckhardt at 200: The Civilization of the Renaissance reconsidered
The British Academy, London (May).
‘Race and Racism in Early Modern Natural Histories’
"Travel Ethnology and Natural History"
European University Institute, Florence (March).
‘Cosmopolitismes per al segle XXI’ (amb Manel Ollé)
Diàlegs Humanístics , 4 edició.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. (February)
‘La Unión Europea y el Brexit’.
Seminar on ¿Una Unión Europea en crisis? Reflexiones urgentes desde Cataluña.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, February).
‘From idolatry to religions: the missionary discourses on Hinduism and Buddhism compared, 1550-1700’.
Workshop on The Early- modern Catholic Invention of “Oriental” “Religions”, University of Austin, Texas (January)
‘Traveller, observer, spy: assessing the status of English accounts of the Ottoman and Mughal states in the seventeenth century’.
English travellers, spies, & diplomats in foreign courts
TIDE Project Seminar
The University of Liverpool in London (November).
The construction of the Indian and the Savage in a comparative perspective: peoples, places, and discourses.
Research Seminar on Depictions of Indigenous Identities in the North and the South
Arctic University of Norway, Tromso
Comparing cultures in the early modern world: hierarchies, genealogies and the idea of modernity.
Early Modern Workshop
University of Harvard (Septmeber).
Artistic Skills and the Hierarchy of Civilizations in Medieval and Early Modern Travel Writing: A Chinese Theme through Muslim and European Eyes.
Bard Graduate Centre Seminar
New York (September).
‘Ingenuity, Genius and Reason in the New World: Natives and Spaniards’.
America in the Making of Early Modern Ingenuity
CRASSH, University of Cambridge (June).
‘The Reality of Conversion and the Rhetoric of Sainthood in the Jesuit Missions to Asia: Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci’.
Agents of Conversion, The Center for the Study of Conversion & Inter-Religious Encounters 5th Annual Conference
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (May)
‘Conceptualizing Cross-Cultural Diplomacy in the Early Modern World:
Problems and Contexts’, in Cross-Cultural Diplomacy Compared: Afro-Eurasian Perspectives (16th-18th centuries).
Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Warwick (February).
‘Les Lliçons del Brèxit’,
Els Nous Populismes: Brèxit i Trump,
Col.loqui GRENS, UPF, Barcelona (December)
‘Catalan Independence Referendums: problem or solution?’
Referendums and Democrtic Politics, CEMS, New York University (November)
‘Imperial Emulation and the Making of The Principal Navigations’,
Richard Hakluyt and the Renaissance Discovery of the World, International Conference
Bodleian Library and Christ Church, Oxford (November 26)
‘Conceptualizing the local in early modern religious and political encounters: the Spanish and Portuguese empires compared’
Locality and Globality in Early Modern Cultural Encounters: A Comparative Analysis of Religious and Political Accommodation
ECERM International Conference, UPF, Barcelona (October)
‘The Boxer Codex in a Comparative Perspective: visual Ethnographies in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires (sixteenth century)’
The Boxer Codex: Colonial Ethnography in the Spanish Philippines
International Workshop, UPF, Barcelona (September)
‘Comparing Cultures in the Early Modern World’
Sawyer Seminar on the History of Comparatism
CRASH, University of Cambridge (August)
‘Etnografías misioneras y el problema de la traducción cultural’, Keynote Lecture, XVI Jornadas Internacionales sobre las Misiones Jesuíticas
Resistencia, Argentina (June)
‘Sacred History and Comparative Ethnography in Lafitau’,
Colloque International: La Plume et le Calumet: Joseph-François Lafitau et les "Sauvages Ameriquains"
Musée Ethnographique de Genève (May)
‘Re-thinking La crise de la conscience Européenne: comparatism and the history of religion in La Créquinière´s Conformité (1704)’
Europen Universtiy Institute, Florence (April)
‘Civility across cultures in the early modern world: European perceptions of the Mughal and Safavid courts and the Islamicate ocumene’, Lecture
Government College Lahore, Pakistan (April)
‘¿Lafitau antropólogo? Comparatismo y etnografñia antes de la ilistración’
Work in Progress Seminar, Centre d´Història de la Ciència (CEHIC)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (January).
‘Ethnography and Natural History from the New World to the Philippines’.
Maury A. Bromsen Lecture
John Carter Brown Library, Providence (September 10).
‘Ethnography and cultural translation in the early modern missions’ at the 54th summer conference of the Ecclesiastical History Society in York (July).
‘Etnografía e historia natural: en torno a la naturalización de lo humano en los imperios ibéricos’.
Coloquio Una Nueva Historia Natural. Primeras notícias ibéricas sobre la naturaleza de las India.
Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans (May).
‘Metodologia i historiografia de la literatura & escrits polítics’
Seminari de Recerca Pensar i difondre la història
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (April).
‘Sacred history and human diversity in the early Enlightenment: the case of Lafitau’. Faultine 1700: Enlightened Religion. From Confessional Churches to Polite Piety. Utrecht (January).
’Cultural diversity, moral universalism and irony in the Peregrinaçam’, Travel and Writing in the Global Renaissance: Revisiting the Peregrination of Fernão Mendes Pinto (1614-2014), UCL & King’s College, University of London (December).
‘Nuovo mondo e nuovi mondi: ritorno a la questione de l'impatto culturale’, Milano, L’ambrosiana e La Conoscenza Dei Nuovi Mondi. Secoli XVII –XVIII. Prolusione, Accademia Ambrosiana: Dies Academicus (November).
‘Ethnography and cultural translation in the early modern missions’, International Seminar Christian Missionaries as Intercultural Intellectuals, 1500-1800. Colegio de Mexico (November).
‘1622 y la crisis de Ormuz: ¿decadencia o reorientación?’ Conexiones Imperiales: La expansion Ibérica en Asia y África 1575-1622. Casa de Velázquez, Madrid (November).
‘The Travels of the Polemical Gentile, from Ramón Llull to Matteo
Ricci: A Counterpoint’, International Conference Polemical encounters. Polemics between christians, jews and muslims in Iberia and beyond. CORPI Project, Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid (September).
‘Is 'religion' a viable conceptual category, and what can objects tell us about it’, Conference on Religious and Materiality, Empires of Faith Project, Wolfson College, Oxford (June).
‘Travel, Anthropology, and the Paradox of Enlightened Cosmopolitanism’, Balzan Programme Towards a Global History of Music, Workshop on Alterity and universalism in eighteenth-century musical thought, Wadham College, Oxford (May).
‘Travel writing, ethnography and the origins of the Enlightenment’, Plenary Lecture, Israel Historical Society 37th Annual Conference, Bar-Ilan Universty, Tel Aviv (June)
‘Bartolomé de Las Casas and Human Rights: a Historical Revision’, Workshop on The Genesis of International Law: Political Readings of the Bible and the Iberian Legacy, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv (June).
‘The history of Travel Writing and the History of Cultural Encounters: a re-assessment’, Seminar Series on Encounters with Social Scientists, Ecole des Hautes Etudes et Sciences Sociales, Marseille (March).
‘The Cosmopolitan Paradox: Travel, Anthropology and Cultural Diversity’, Cosmopolitanism and the Enlightenment. Huntington Library and Clark Library, Los Angeles (December).
‘Literatura de viatges i els orígens de la Il.lustració, 1550-1750’.Seminari GRIMSE, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (November).
‘Cultural translation and cultural distance in the European embassies to Shah Abbas’, in Translating cultures: diplomacy across cultural and religious boundaries in the early modern world. University of Durham (September).
‘The birth of human rights? Bartolomé de Las Casas versus Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: a historical revision of the Hispanic Renaissance’ (with Alejandro Coroleu), 54th ICREA Colloquium (May).
‘Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism and Global History’, Africa and Global History: New Perspectives, Cape Town (April).
‘Travel Writing and the Origins of the Enlightenment’, University of Witwatersrand, WISER Seminar. Johannesburg (April).
‘The comparative history of a genre: the production and circulation of books on travel and ethnographies in early modern Europe and China’ (with Manel Ollé).
International Conference on The Production and Circulation of Printed Books in the Occident and Orient, from the Accession of the Tang Dynasty (c. 618) to the First Industrial Revolution. The British Academy. London (February).
‘La retórica del rey indígena: discursos de Motecuzoma y Atahualpa en las crónicas de conquista’. International Conference on Hombres de pie y a caballo: conquistadores, descubridores, misioneros. Trujillo (November)
‘Unión de coronas y división de naciones en la historiografía de los imperios portugués y castellano: el incómodo caso de Manuel de Faria y Sousa’, International Conference on Las Monarquías Ibéricas: barroco y globalización (1580-1715). Madrid, UNED (November)
‘Relativismo cultural y civilización en la literatura de viajes: François Bernier’. Seminario de la UIMP Educar los sentimentos y las costumbres: una mirada desde la historia. Valencia (October)
‘Ethnographic Images in the Late Renaissance, East and West’. Research Seminar, Bard Graduate Center, New York (October)
‘From Christian apologetics to Deism: libertine readings of Hinduism’, International Conference on God and the Enlightenment, University of Ohio (October)
‘Political rationality and cultural distance in the European embassies to Shah Abbas’. International Conference on Negotiating Europe: practices, languages, ideology and diplomacy, Benasque, Centro Pedro Pascual (September).
‘The idea of civilization in seventeenth-century English travel writing: Henry Blount and Paul Rycaut’. Plenary Lecture, Renaissance Old Worlds: English Encounters from the Levant to the Far East. The British Library, London (July).
‘Ethnographic Knowledge and the Origins of Enlightened Universalism’. Seminaire de recherche en histoire moderne, University of Lausanne (May).
‘Toward a Comparative Cultural History of Travel: Encounters, Genres, Impacts’. Opening seminar, Jews and Journeys: 18th Annual Gruss Colloquium in Judaic Studies, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (April).
‘Heresy and accommodation in the work of Francisco Ros’, Apostles and Heresiarchs Representations of Early Christianity in India, The Warburg Institute, London (April).
‘Real and Imaginary Dialogues in Sixteenth-Century Japan’, Interdisciplinary Renaissance and Early Modern Seminar, University of Leeds (February).
Title: The Cosmopolitan Paradox: Travel, Anthropology and Cultural Diversity
Conference: Cosmopolitanism and the Enlightenment
Organization: Huntington and Clare Libraries
Location: Los Angeles
Date: 13 December 2012
Title: Ethnographic knowledge and the origins of Enlightened universalism
Conference: International Conference The Global Dimensions of European Knowledge 1450-1700.
Organization: Leverhulme Trust, Society for Renaissance Studies, Birkbeck College, the Royal Historical Society
Location. London
Date: June 2011