Back Asia Sacra: Imperialism and Christianity in the Early Modern Asia-Pacific

Asia Sacra: Imperialism and Christianity in the Early Modern Asia-Pacific

Editors: Alexandre Coello de la Rosa i Jorge Mojarro


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This series is concerned with the relationship between religion, empire, society, and culture in Asia and the Pacific from the early modern period to the end of the Ancien Régime, with particular emphasis on church-state relations, indigenous responses, ecclesiastical contentiousness and local power, literary production, martyrdom, and sanctity. Focused especially on the Iberian empires (Spanish missions, the Jesuits, etc), the series concentrates on early modern China, Japan, and the Philippines (including islands near these regions), and also includes other Southeast Asian territories such as Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.

The series welcomes monographs, coherent edited collections, and text editions or translations that include a contextualising study (detailed introduction and commentary).