[email protected]
Alexandre Coello de la Rosa is an expert on the history and ethnographic production of the Jesuit missions in the Americas and the Mariana Islands. He has recently published a study on the work of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo - a
Historia y ficción. La escritura de la Historia General y Natural de las Indias de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, 1478-1557 (Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2012) - and a critical edition of the Jesuit accounts on the Mariana Islands accounts -
Historia de las Islas Marianas de Luis de Morales & Charles Le Gobien (Madrid: Polifemo, 2013). Between 2008 and 2011 Alexandre Coello earned a post-doc fellowhip to work on the project "Conocer Filipinas a través de los jesuitas: un estudio comparado de las políticas de santidad desarrolladas por la Compañía de Jesús en Perú y Filipinas (siglo XVII-XVIII)" (JAE-DOC009/ JAEDOC109). In the last two years, Alexandre Coello de la Rosa has participated as a lecturer and coordinator of several international conferences jointly organized by the Casa de Velázquez, the Institut de Cultura (IC) and the Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens i Vives (IUHJVV). He has just organized with Estela Ocampo (Institut de Cultura) and Stéphane Michonneau (Casa de velásquez) an international congress entitled "Arte, hibridación y circulación en tiempos de los imperios en América (ss. XIII-XVII)".
More recently, Alexandre Coello de la Rosa collaborates regularly with the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Between August and September 2013, under a CAPES fellowship, he was a visiting professor of the Department of Human and Social Sciences of UFGD. During his tenure, Alexandre Coello de la Rosa contributed to the department's doctoral programme by teaching two courses ("Historical Anthropology and Colonial History", "In the Margins: Jesuits and border spaces (16th and 17th centuries)" and participating as a guest lecturer in the courses organized by Levi Marques and Graciela Chamorro, as well as an examiner of MA and PhD thesis.
To conclude, the Guam Preservation Trust (Mariana Islands) has recently accepted the translation into English of Alexandre Coello's Spanish first edition of Historia de las islas Marianas, by Luis de Morales & Charles Le Gobien, SJ (2013). The book will be published next year at the Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC) press.