Geometric and semantic analysis of visual data :
- Semantic image inpainting through improved Wasserstein generative adversarial networks
- Adversarial picture colorization + code + demo
- DIP-VBTV: a color image restoration model + code
- Analysis of different losses for deep learning image colorization + of color spaces
- An Analysis of generative methods for multiple image inpainting
- Photorealistic facial wrinkle removal
- Anomaly detection
- Visual motif identification: Elaboration of a curated comparative dataset and classification methods
- Multimodal scene understanding
- Cross-modal relationships and understanding
Non-local methods (a related talk) :
- Non-local data comparison : axiomatic approach + practical approximation
- Image and video denoising
- Exemplar-based inpainting
- Patch-based image segmentation
- Data Comparison, online demo and code
- Video comparison
- Spatio-temporal video segmentation
Automatic video analysis and processing :
- Joint occlusions and motion estimation + online demo and code + more analysis
- General optimization strategy for large displacement variational optical flow + more analysis, online demo and code
- Depth estimation
- Joint Scene flow and occlusion estimation
- Motion inpainting + more analysis, online demo and code
- Video editing: variational dynamic shapes disocclusion
- Slow camera motion + demo
Geometric and semantic sports analysis :
- Always Look on the Bright Side of the Field + Deep learning model for estimating orientation directly from video footage
- Using Player’s Body-Orientation to Model Pass Feasibility in Soccer + More analysis
- Multi-Person tracking in Basketball
- Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking + code
- Soccer Action Recognition
- Role classification of soccer players + Project page
Mathematical analysis of image processing :
- A Variational Model for P+XS Image Fusion
- Filling-in, inpainting or disocclusion
- Disocclusion by joint interpolation of vector fields and gray levels
- Shape from texture and texture segmentation by variational methods
- Affine invariant image segmentation by variational methods
- Lower Semicontinuity of the Affine Total Variation
- Morse description and morphological encoding of continuous data
- A TV Based Restoration Model with Local Constraints