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2023 (5)

Sanchez M, Triginer G, Ballester C, Raad L, Ramon E. Photorealistic Facial Wrinkles Removal. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 13848 LNCS(0): 117-133.

Ballester C.; Carrillo H.; Clement M.; Vitoria P.. Analysis of Different Losses for Deep Learning Image Colorization. In: -. Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging: Mathematical Imaging and Vision -; 2023. p. 821-846.

Ballester C, Bugeau A, Hurault S, Parisotto S, Vitoria P. An Analysis of Generative Methods for Multiple Image Inpainting. In: -. Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging: Mathematical Imaging and Vision -; 2023. p. 773-820.

Sanchez M, Triginer G, Ballester C, Raad L, Ramon E. Photorealistic Facial Wrinkles Removal. In: Zheng Y, Yalim Kele¿ H, Koniusz P (eds.). Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2022) Workshops. Macao: Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023. p. 117-133.

2022 (5)

Lazcano V, Calderero F, Ballester C. Biased-Infinity Laplacian Applied to Depth Completion Using a Balanced Anisotropic Metric. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2022; 878: 1048-1055.

Cartas A, Ballester C, Haro G. A Graph-Based Method for Soccer Action Spotting Using Unsupervised Player Classification. In: Rainer L,Thomas BM, Hideo S. Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports. Association for Computing Machinery; 2022. p. 93-102.

Ballester C, Bugeau A, Carrillo H, Clément M, Giraud R, Raad L, Vitoria P. Analysis of Different Losses for Deep Learning Image Colorization. arXiv preprint: 2204.02980v3; 2022.

Ballester C, Bugeau A, Hurault S, Parisotto S, Vitoria P. An Analysis of Generative Methods for Multiple Image Inpainting. arXiv preprint:2205.02146v1; 2022.

Ballester C, Bugeau A, Carrillo H, Clément M, Giraud R, Raad L, Vitoria P. Influence of Color Spaces for Deep Learning Image Colorizatio. arXiv preprint: 2204.02850v1; 2022.

2021 (7)

Lazcano V, Calderero F, Ballester C. Comparing different metrics on an anisotropic depth completion model. Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2021; 17(3-4): 87-99.

Ballester C, Bugeau A, Carrillo H, Clément M, Giraud R, Raad L, Vitoria P. Influence of Color Spaces and Analysis of Different Losses for Deep Learning Image Colorization. In: Chen K, Schönlieb CB, Tai XC, Younces L (eds.). Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging. Springer; 2021. p. 1-31.

Arbués-Sangüesa A, Martín A, Granero P, Ballester C, Haro G. Learning Football Body-Orientation as a Matter of Classification. In: AA. VV.. 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21). Montreal: IJCAI; 2021. p. 1-8.

Arbués-Sangüesa A, Haro G, Ballester C. Towards Video Summarization: A Temporal Multimodal Method for Action Spotting in Sports Videos. In: AA. VV.. Proceedings IROS Workshop: Egocentric vision for interactive perception, learning, and control - online- (EgoVIP 2021). Spanish Network of Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Human Analysis and Robotic Perception (ReAViPeRo). Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (RED2018-102511-T); 2021. p. 1-3.

Parisotto S, Vitoria P, Ballester C, Bugeau A, Reynolds S, Schönlieb CB. The Art of Inpainting: A Monograph on Mathematical Methods for the Virtual Restoration of Illuminated Manuscripts (in proofreading). Mach Team; 2021.

Parisotto S, Vitoria P, Ballester C, Bugeau A, Reynolds S, Schönlieb CB. The Art of Inapainting: A Monograph on Mathematical Methods for the Virtual Restoration of Illuminated Manuscripts.. ILUMINA Matlab application; 2021.

2020 (8)

Arbues-Sanguesa A.; Martin A.; Fernandez J.; Rodriguez C.; Haro G.; Ballester C.. Always Look on the Bright Side of the Field: Merging Pose and Contextual Data to Estimate Orientation of Soccer Players. Proceedings IEEE ICIP 2020; 2020-Octo(0): 1506-1510.

Raad L.; Oliver M.; Ballester C.; Haro G.; Meinhardt E.. On anisotropic optical flow inpainting algorithms. Image Processing On Line 2020; 10: 78-104.

Vitoria P.; Sintes J.; Ballester C.. Semantic Image Completion Through an Adversarial Strategy. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2020; 1182: 520-542.

Arbues-Sanguesa A, Martín A, Fernández J, Ballester C, Haro G. Using Player's Body-Orientation to Model Pass Feasibility in Soccer. In: AA.VV.. Proceedings 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). Seattle: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2020. p. 886-887.

Arbués-Sangüesa A, Martín A, Fernández J, Rodríguez C, Haro G, Ballester C. Always Look on the Bright Side of the Field: Merging Pose and Contextual Data to Estimate Orientation of Soccer Players. In: -. Proceedings Congrès ICIP 2020. ICIP; 2020. p. 1506-1510.

Lazcano V, Calderero F, Ballester C. Depth Image Completion Using Anisotropic Operators. In: Abraham A, Ohsawa Y, Gandhi N, Jabbar MA, Haqiq A, McLoone S, Issac B (eds.) Biju Issac. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2020). Springer; 2020. p. 593-604.

Vitoria P, Raad L, Ballester C. ChromaGAN: Adversarial Picture Colorization with Semantic Class Distribution. In: --. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).; 2020. p. 2445-2454.

Hurault S.; Ballester C.; Haro G.. Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking. In: -. Proceedings of the International ACM Work shop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports. 2020. Washington: ACM/SIGMM; 2020. p. 9-18.

2019 (10)

Vitoria P.; Ballester C.. Automatic Flare Spot Artifacts Detection and Removal in Photographs. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2019; 61(4): 515-533.

Gamonal F.P.; Ballester C.; Haro G.; Meinhardt-Llopis E.; Palomares R.P.. An analysis and speedup of the FALDOI method for Optical Flow estimation. Image Processing On Line 2019; 9: 94-123.

Garamendi J.; Lazcano V.; Ballester C.. Joint TV-L1 Optical Flow and Occlusion Estimation. Image Processing On Line 2019; 9: 432-452.

Arbués-Sangüesa A, Ballester C, Haro G. Single-Camera Basketball Tracker through Pose and Semantic Feature Fusion. International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 2019; 13(7): 414-422.

Vitoria P, Raad L, Ballester C. ChromaGAN: An Adversarial Approach for Picture Colorization. In: AA. VV.. Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium 2019. 2019. p. 2445-2454.

Vitoria P, Sintes J, Ballester C. Semantic Image Inpainting Through Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks. In: Tremeau A, Farinella GM, Braz J. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2019). SCITEPRESS; 2019. p. 249-266.

Arbués-Sangüesa A Ballester C, Haro G. Single-Camera Basketball Tracker through Pose and Semantic Feature Fusion. In: Jane Courtney, Catherine Deegan, Paul Leamy.. Proceedings of the 21st Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2019). Dublin: Irish Pattern Recognition and Classication Society (; 2019. p. 1-9.

Arbués-Sangüesa A, Haro G, Ballester C. Multi-Person tracking by multi-scale detection in Basketball scenarios. In: Jane Courtney, Catherine Deegan, Paul Leamy.. Proceedings of the 21st Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2019). Dublin: Irish Pattern Recognition and Classication Society (; 2019. p. 1-8.

Lazcano V, Calderero F, Ballester C. Interpolation in Manifolds and Applications to Depth Interpolation in Images and Video. In: Sirakov B, Ney de Souza P, Viana M (eds.). Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2018). Rio de Janeiro: WSPC.COM; 2019.

Vitoria P, Ballester C. Generative Peer-to-peer Face Hallucination (poster presentation). In: Amerini I,Balashova E, Ebrahimi S, Leonard K, Nagrani A, Salvador A (eds.). Proceedings WiCV 2019: The Sixth Women In Computer Vision Workshop. Long Beach ( California): IEEE/CVF (Computer Vision Foundation); 2019.

2018 (5)

Fedorov V.; Ballester C.. An Affine Invariant Patch Similarity. Image Processing On Line 2018; 8: 490-513.

Ballester C, Arias P, Coll B, Mazón-Ruiz JM, Provenzi E. L'aportació de Vicent Caselles al món de les matemàtiques i l'aplicació al processament d'imatges. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques 2018; 33(1): 5-41.

Oliver M, Haro G, Fedorov V, Ballester C.. L1 patch-based image partitioning into homogeneous textured regions. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 2018; 2018-April(0): 1558-1562.

Oliver M, Raad L, Ballester C, Haro G. Motion Inpainting by an Image-Based Geodesic AMLE Method. In: Nikou C, Platanioti K (General chairs). 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Athens: IEEE Signal Processing Society; 2018. p. 2267-2271.

Lazcano V, Garrido L, Ballester C. Jointly Optical Flow and Occlusion Estimation for Images with Large Displacements.. In: Vanel Lazcano, Luis Garrido and Coloma Ballester. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2018). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications; 2018. p. 588-595.

2017 (9)

Fedorov V.; Arias P.; Facciolo G.; Ballester C.. Exemplar-based image inpainting using an affine invariant similarity measure. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2017; 693(0): 454-474.

Fedorov V.; Ballester C.. Affine Non-local Means Image Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; 26(5): 2137-2148.

Palomares R.; Meinhardt-Llopis E.; Ballester C.; Haro G.. FALDOI: a new minimization strategy for large displacement variational optical flow. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2017; 58(1): 27-46.

Oliver M.; Palomares R.; Ballester C.; Haro G.. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 2017; 0(0): 1822-1826.

Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. From Occlusion to Global Depth Order, a Monocular Approach. In: Telea A, Richard P, Linsen L, Braz J, Battiato S, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Imai F. 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 575-592.

Fedorov V, Arias P, Facciolo G, Ballester C. Exemplar-based image inpainting using an affine invariant similarity measure. In: Telea A, Richard P, Linsen L, Braz J, Battiato S, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Imai F. 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 454-474.

Oliver M, Palomares RP, Ballester C, Haro G. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. In: AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017. IEEE; 2017. p. 1822-1826.

Vitoria P, Fedorov V, Ballester C. Spatio-temporal tube segmentation through a video metrics-based patch similarity measure. In: McDonald, John and Markham, Charles and Winstanley, Adam C. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017. Irish Pattern Recognition & Classification Society; 2017. p. 147-154.

Palomares R.P.; Haro G.; Ballester C.. Joint large displacement scene flow and occlusion variational estimation. In: Imai F, Tremeau A, Braz J (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Lisboa: 2017. p. 172-180.

2016 (6)

Oliver M.; Haro G.; Dimiccoli M.; Mazin B.; Ballester C.. A Computational Model for Amodal Completion. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2016; 56(3): 511-534.

Oliver M, Haro G, Dimiccoli M, Baptiste M, Ballester C. On the most preferred scene structure of an image. In: AA. VV.. 3rd Annual Catalan Meeting on Computer Vision (ACMCV'16). UPC University. Computer Vision Center; 2016.

Palomares RP, Meinhardt-Llopis E, Ballester C, Haro G. How to improve local optima of optical flow energies using discrete matches. In: AA. VV.. 3rd Annual Catalan Meeting on Computer Vision (ACMCV'16). UPC University. Computer Vision Center; 2016. p. 1-23.

Fedorov V, Facciolo G, Ballester C. Affine Invariant Self-Similarity for Exemplar-Based Inpaiting. In: Magnenat-Thalmann N, Richard P, Linsen L, Telea A, Battiato S, Imai F, Braz J. Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 2016. p. 48-58.

Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. Monocular depth ordering using perceptual occlusion cues. In: Magnenat-Thalmann N, Richard P, Linsen L, Telea A, Battiato S, Imai F, Braz J. Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 2016. p. 431-441.

Palomares RP, Haro G, Ballester C, Meinhardt-Llopis E. FALDOI: Large Displacement Optical Flow by Astute Initialization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.08960; 2016.

2015 (5)

Fedorov V.; Arias P.; Sadek R.; Facciolo G.; Ballester C.. Linear Multiscale Analysis of Similarities between Images on Riemannian Manifolds: Practical Formula and Affine Covariant Metrics. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2015; 8(3): 2021-2069.

Palomares R.; Haro G.; Ballester C.. A rotation-invariant regularization term for optical flow related problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2015; 9007: 304-319.

Chatillon P, Ballester C. History-based anomaly detector: an adversarial approach to anomaly detection. In: Shakhovska N. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2015. p. 761-776.

Palomares RP, Haro G, Ballester C. A Rotation-Invariant Regularization Term for Optical Flow Related Problems. In: Cremers D, Reid I, Saito H, Yang MH. Proceedings 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014). Singapur: Springer; 2015. p. 304-319.

Oliver M, Haro G, Dimiccoli M, Mazin B, Ballester C. A Computational Model for Amodal Completion. arXiv preprint:1511.08418; 2015.

2014 (1)

Ballester C.; Calderero F.; Caselles V.; Facciolo G.. Multiscale Analysis of Similarities between Images on Riemannian Manifolds. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 2014; 12(2): 616-649.

2013 (2)

Ballester C, Calderero F, Caselles V, Facciolo G. Multiscale analysis of similarities between images on Riemannian manifolds. 2013.

Facciolo G, Calderero F, Ballester C, Caselles V. Multiscale analysis of similarities between images on Riemannian manifolds. Part II.. Preprint, 2013; 2013.

2012 (3)

Ballester C.; Garrido L.; Lazcano V.; Caselles V.. A TV-L1 Optical Flow Method with Occlusion Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2012; 7476: 31-40.

Sadek R.; Constantinopoulos C.; Meinhardt E.; Ballester C.; Caselles V.. On Affine Invariant Descriptors Related to SIFT. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2012; 5(2): 652-687.

Sadek R.; Ballester C.; Garrido L.; Meinhardt E.; Caselles V.. Frame Interpolation with Occlusion Detection using a Time Coherent Segmentation. In: Csurka, Gabriela Braz, José. (VISAPP 2012) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Volume 2). Roma: SciTePress; 2012. p. 367-372.

2008 (1)

Almansa A.; Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Haro G.. A TV Based Restoration Model with Local Constraints. Journal of Scientific Computing 2008; 34(3): 209-236.

2007 (2)

Ballester C.; Bertalmio M.; Caselles V.; Garrido L.; Marques A.; Ranchin F.. An Inpainting-based deinterlacing method. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2007; 16(10): 2476-2491.

Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Igual L.; Garrido L.. Level Lines Selection with Variational Models for Segmentation and Encoding. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2007; 27(1): 5-27.

2006 (1)

Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Igual L.; Verdera J.; Rouge B.. A Variational Model for P+XS Image Fusion. International Journal of Computer Vision 2006; 69(1): 43-58.

2004 (2)

Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Verdera J.. Disocclusion by Joint Interpolation of Vector Fields and Gray Levels. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 2004; 2(1): 80-123.

Caselles V.; Sapiro G.; Sole A.; Ballester C.. Morse Description and Morphological Encoding of Continuous Data. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 2004; 2(2): 179-209.

2003 (3)

Ballester C, Caselles V, Rougé B, Verdera J. A geometric fusion method for P+XS images: Une méthode géométrique de fusion pour des images P+XS. Bulletin - Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection 2003; 169(169): 53-63.

Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Monasse P.. The tree of shapes of an image. ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2003; 9: 1-18.

Ballester C, Caselles V, Verdera J. A Variational Model for Disocclusion. In: IEEE Signal Processing Society; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2003 International Conference on Image Processing: ICIP 2003, September 14-17, 2003, Barcelona, Spain: proceedings. New Jersey, Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 2003. p. 677-680.

2002 (1)

Ballester C, Caselles V, Rouge B, Verdera J. A geometric fusion method for P+XS images Une methode geometrique de fusion pour des images P+XS. Bulletin - Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection 2002; 0(169): 53-63.

2001 (7)

Ballester C.; Bertalmio M.; Caselles V.; Sapiro G.; Verdera J.. Filling-In by joint interpolation of vector fields and grey level. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2001; 10(8): 1200-1211.

Andreu F.; Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Mazon J.. The dirichlet problem for the minimizing total variation flow. Journal of Functional Analysis 2001; 180(2): 347-403.

Caselles V, Ballester C, Andreu F, Mazon JM. Minimizing Total Variation Flow. Differential and Integral Equations 2001; 14(3): 321-360.

Ballester C, Caselles V, Rougé B, Verdera J. Une méthode géométrique de fusion pour des images P+XS. Bulletin - Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection 2001; 169: 53-64.

Ballester C, Caselles V. The M-Components of Level Sets of Continuous Functions in WBV. Publications mathématiques 2001; 45(2): 477-527.

Ballester C, Bertalmío M, Caselles V, Sapiro G, Verdera J. A Variational Model for Filling-In. In: -. Congreso Español en Informática Gráfica, Proceedings. 2001.

Ballester C, Caselles V, Verdera J, Bertalmio M. A Variational model for filling-in gray level and color images. In: IEEE Computer Society. Proceedings, Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision July 7-14, 2001. IEEE Computer Society; 2001.

2000 (3)

Andreu F.; Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Mazon J.. Minimizing Total Variation Flow. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series I: Mathematics 2000; 311(11): 867-872.

Ballester, C.; Cubero-Castan, E.; Gonzalez, M.; Morel, J.M.. Contrast Invariant Satellite Image Intersection. In: -. Advanced mathematical methods in measurement and instrumentation Progetto Leonardo; 2000. p. 1-14.

Bertalmio M.; Sapiro G.; Caselles V.; Ballester C.. Image Inpainting. In: AA.VV.. SIGGRAPH'00 Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. Nova York: ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; 2000. p. 417-424.

1999 (1)

Andreu F, Ballester C, Caselles V, Mazón JM. A Nonlinear Parabolic Equation Arising in Image Processing. In: AA.VV.. Multiresolution, Computer Vision and PDE's. Oxford: Foundations of Computation Mathematics; 1999. p. 1-1.

1998 (6)

Ballester C.; Gonzalez M.. Affine Invariant Texture Segmentation and Shape from Texture by Variational Methods. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1998; 9(2): 141-171.

Caselles V, Ballester C, González M. Lower Semicontinuity of the Affine Total Variation Used in Image Segmentation. Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 1998; 41(1): 41-60.

Ballester C, Cubero-Castan E, Gonzalez M, Morel JM. Image intersection and applications to satellite imaging. In: AA. VV.. C.M.L.A 1998. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan; 1998.

Ballester C, Cubero-Castan E, Gonzalez M, Morel JM. Image intersection and applications to satellite imaging. C.M.L.A., No. 9817; 1998.

Ballester C, Cubero-Castan E, Gonzalez M, Morel JM. Contrast Invariant Image Intersection. 1998.

Ballester C, Cubero-Castan E, Gonzalez M, Morel JM. Image intersection and applications to satellite imaging. Report C.M.L.A., No. 9817, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan; 1998.

1996 (2)

Ballester C.; Caselles V.; Gonzalez M.. Affine Invariant Segmentation by Variational Methods. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1996; 56(1): 294-325.

Ballester C, González M. Texture Segmentation by Variational Methods. In: Berger, M.O. (ed.). ICAOS' 96 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Images, Wavelets and PDE' s: París June 26-28 1996. Londres: Springer; 1996. p. 187-193.

1995 (2)

Ballester C, Caselles V, González M. Texture Discrimination by Variational Methods. In: Calvo Cuenca, A.; Medina Carnicer, R. (eds.). Pattern Recongnition and Image Analysis: Preprints of the VI Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (University of Córdoba, 3-7 april 1995). Còrdova: Asociación Españóla de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes; 1995. p. 251-306.

Ballester C, Caselles V, González M. Affine Invariant Segmentation by Variational Methods. In: Calvo Cuenca, A.; Medina Carnicer, R. (eds.). Pattern Recongnition and Image Analysis: Preprints of the VI Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (University of Córdoba, 3-7 april 1995). Còrdova: Asociación Españóla de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes; 1995. p. 1-1.

1994 (1)

Caselles V, Ballester C, González M. Affine Invariant Segmentation by Variation Methods. In: AA.VV.. RFIA'94. Neuvième Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (Paris 11-14 Janvier 1994) Special Mention. París: AFCET; 1994. p. 1-1.

1993 (1)

Caselles V, Ballester C, González M. Affine Invariant Segmentation by Variational Methods. In: AA.VV.. Eighth Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IEEE Signal Processing Society Cannes, September 1993). Cannes: IEEE Signal Processing Society; 1993. p. 220-221.