Symposium 'Images, Crises, and Ecosocial Transformations in the 21st Century'
Symposium 'Images, Crises, and Ecosocial Transformations in the 21st Century'
The symposium explores the interaction between power, images, pathologies, and societal transformations in the 21st century, advocating for a visual turn (Bernhard Forchtner) in ecosocial and political studies. As Gilles Deleuze argues, the image is not merely a representation but a dynamic force that shapes perception. The sessions will explore into the power and limits of images as a grammar of resistance, as well as their capacity to deepen oppression, control, and surveillance. More information here.
- Where: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Edifici U, Sala U1.1. Polivalent
- When: 21st November, 2024