What is Planetary Wellbeing?

Planetary Wellbeing is defined as the highest attainable standard of wellbeing for human and non-human beings and their social and natural systems (Antó et al. 2021)

The Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing

We live in an epoch of crisis and radical social and environmental transformations. The challenges we face, as a collective, are complex and urgent and can be approached exclusively form an holistic point of view where all the actors (human beings, non-human animals and geo- and bio-spheres) are intertwined and the wellbeing of one collective is strictly dependent on the wellbeing of the others. Universities should be amongst the primary actors in guiding the changes we need to face these challenges as they reunite all the necessary resources: Research, to find creative solutions; Teaching, to raise generations that will do better; Institutional presence, to provide an example.

The UPF Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing was launched in 2022 with the aim of creating synergies between different stakeholders working on Planetary Wellbeing within Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The activities promoted by the Centre encompass the different levels of UPF involvement in, and foster its commitment to Planetary Wellbeing.

The Centre is Academically independent and thus perfectly placed to promote inter- and transdisciplinary Research across the different Academic Units of UPF. University members affiliated to the Centre contribute not only their vast and varied expertise, but bring also in their external contacts and collaborations, which will foster the creation of international networks.

The Centre promotes Teaching activities on Planetary Wellbeing by either supporting ongoing initiatives, such as the MOOC and the Minor on Planetary Wellbeing. The Centre also promotes the creation of new programs of studies by coordinating applications to international teaching programs such as Erasmus+. The Centre also acts as first port of call for students who are interested in working on issues related to Planetary Wellbeing at all academic levels and offers guidance and supervision through its members.

Lastly, the Centre amplifies the pioneer role of UPF in promoting Planetary Wellbeing by providing a central portal for the dissemination of its activities within the University community and at local, national and International level.



  • Created through a deliberation of UPF’s Governing Council on December 15th 2021;
  • It inherits the legacy of the UPF’s  Planetary Wellbeing initiative and of the former Centre for Studies in Sustainability;
  • Open to all UPF personnel, student and staff who are interested and/or are working on issues related to Planetary Wellbeing;
  • The mission of the Centre is to integrate stakeholders who are working on PW-related issues within the UPF and promote synergies with people outside the UPF.



The Centre catalyses and accelerates UPF's commitment to the SDGs and its institutional transformation to respond effectively to the challenges of imagination, knowledge and social and political action posed by the climate and biodiversity crisis. At UPF, we believe in science, and we think that dialogue across different disciplines is key to drive socio-environmental change toward more sustainable and equitable futures. 



  • Act as the point of reference for people who are interested in promoting Planetary Wellbeing within and without UPF;
  • Increase the visibility of UPF’s contributions to Planetary Wellbeing (Institutional, Teaching, Research and Dissemination);
  • Integrate scientists who are working on PW-related issues within the UPF and promote synergies with people outside the UPF;
  • Promote ongoing teaching activities and support the establishment of new PW-related courses;
  • Consolidate UPF pioneer role in the commitment to Planetary Wellbeing



The Centre will operate under the values of openness, high ethical standards, people-oriented and inclusive perspective, and its activities will be directed to problem-solving. All activities and outputs of the centre will follow open access, transparency and FAIR and CARE principles.