Back 29th November monthly seminar'23 - How can we increase our knowledge about resilient agriculture in arid regions? (Francesca D'Agostini)

29th November monthly seminar'23 - How can we increase our knowledge about resilient agriculture in arid regions? (Francesca D'Agostini)

The UPF Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing organizes a monthly seminar consisting of informal sessions meant to foster discussions, sharing of challenges, new ideas, and potential collaboration across different programs at UPF related to Planetary Wellbeing. These sessions are open to all UPF community and external participants so, feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested


How can we increase our knowledge about resilient agriculture in arid regions? 

Date and time: November 29th 2023, 13:00-14:00h CET

Location: Online and In person at UPF Ciutadella Campus (Room 40.213)

Register here to receive the link to connect if you wish to connect online (you can also come in person without registration)

Speakers: Francesca D'Agostini, PostDoc researcher - Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing, CASEs Research Group (Culture, Archaeology and Socio-Ecological Dynamics, Dptm Humanities)

Summary: This project, financed by the Planetary Wellbeing initiative in 2020 had the objective of building a modern database of crop samples, grown in a controlled environment, to use as comparison for the reconstruction of long-term agricultural systems in drylands. The experimental station was built on the roof of the Merce Rodoreda building (Campus de la Ciutadella-UPF). This talk will explain the different phases to built up the experiment and its main results. The talk will finsih with a reflection on how this experiment has contributed to increase our knowledge about resilient agriculture in arid regions and how this fits within the Planetary Wellbeing framework.