30th May monthly seminar'23 - The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency (Alberto Carrio)
30th May monthly seminar'23 - The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency (Alberto Carrio)
The UPF Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing organizes a monthly seminar consisting of informal sessions meant to foster discussions, sharing of challenges, new ideas, and potential collaboration across different programs at UPF related to Planetary Wellbeing. These sessions are open to all UPF community and external participants so, feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested
The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency
Date and time: May 30th 2023, 13:00-14:00h CEST
Location: UPF Ciutadella Campus, Room 40.213 or register to attend online here
Title: The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency
Speaker: Alberto Carrio (Lecturer of philosophy of law in Law Department at Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona)
Summary: Since the beginning of XXI Century the interaction between macro-sport events and environment has become more than problematic. Consider the 2019 Doha World Athletic Championship under temperatures over 39º C and the pathetic picture offered by the snow-deprived last Winter Olympics in Beijing. What would have happened with the ill-fated Barcelona-Pirineos winter Games in 2030?
But this is a long history that is better understood when the interaction between sport and environment is analyzed in deep. The aim of this presentation is to present the problems that the climate crisis generates to sports. But also, to highlight how macro sports events have contributed to this crisis.
In the last part of the presentation, I shall to illustrate the change that the creation of the UN Sport for Climate Action framework in 2018 has meant for developing climate policies and advocating and campaigning on the issue. This has been paralleled by a growing body of academic research on the subject as well as much more serious journalistic reporting.