Back 7th December'23 - Imagining and Transforming Nature: Political Ecology and Far-Right in Southern and Central-Eastern Europe

7th December'23 - Imagining and Transforming Nature: Political Ecology and Far-Right in Southern and Central-Eastern Europe


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AGENDA (Room: Mercè Rodoreda, Campus de la Ciutadella)
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9.30- 9.35
Introduction - Camil Ungureanu (UPF) & Marc Sanjaume (UPF - GRTP)


Christos Zografos (UPF/JHU-UPF Public Policy Centre)

  • Far-Right Ecologism: Environmental Politics and the Far Right in Hungary and Poland - Balša Lubarda (Head of Research, DAMAR Research Institute)
  • Religious Nationalism, Far right and Images of Nature in Post-communist Romania - Irina Velicu (Centre for Social Studies, Portugal) Mihaela Mihai (University of Edinburgh), Camil Ungureanu
  • Mainstreaming far-right ecologism? - the case of Romania - Camil Parvu (University of Bucharest)

Coffee break


Anna Clot-Garell (University of Barcelona)

  • Wither the Centre? “Extremism of the Centre” and Ecology in Spain - Marc Sanjaume & Camil Ungureanu
  • Go Green! The far right and the environment in Greece - Sofia Tipaldou (Panteion University, Athens)
  • Far right ecology, national populism, and policymaking: the case of Vox in Spain - Alexandra Popartan (University of Girona/LEQUIA)



- Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing (UPF); Planetary Wellbeing-Segment PLAWB00722 (2022-2024) (Coord: C. Ungureanu)
- GRTP Research Group in Political Theory (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, coord. M. Sanjaume)
- ECOJUST (coord. I. Velicu)/LEQUIA (Al. Popartan)

Free entrance (please note that some papers and reading materials will be circulated; if interested, please write to [email protected])

General contacts: [email protected] & [email protected]